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How to Treat Cancer by Robotic Surgery


What does robotic surgery mean in cancer treatment? 

The traditional surgical method to remove tumors has been used for years to treat cancer. Nowadays as the technology is evolving, minimally invasive surgeries are getting famous. One such surgery is robotic surgery.  

Many people misunderstand the term robotic surgery for robots performing operations. Whereas in reality, skilled surgeons operate robotic technology to perform such surgeries while keeping everything under their control. 

Robotic surgeries involve using robotic arms which are controlled by surgeons who precisely operate. The arms of the robots are used as laparoscopes and other instruments to make incisions and remove the tumor.  

Traditionally open surgeries are done by making a big incision and performing the surgery. This makes the patient prone to many infections causing organisms that can worsen the condition of the patients. In contrast, robotic surgeries are done by making an inch-long incision to perform the complete operation, hence the chances of getting an infection are much less. 


Types of cancer treated with robotic surgery 

Robotic surgery is being used to treat different types of cancer worldwide.  It is used to perform operations on urological, colorectal, oral, and gynecological organ systems and related cancer types.

These surgeries are FDA-approved and many other types of cancer surgeries are under examination and approval methods. 

This minimally invasive surgery got into the limelight due to its precision, functional results, the better quality of operation, and minimal complications that it offers. It has provided shorter surgery time with reduced side effects.  

Several types of cancer can be treated with robotic surgery easily, which are: 

  1. Colorectal cancer 

  2. Lung cancer 

  3. Kidney cancer 

  4. Head and neck cancer 

  5. Oral cancer 

  6. Pancreatic cancer 

  7. Thyroid cancer 

  8. Prostate cancer 

  9. Esophageal cancer 

  10. Gynecological cancer 


There are other robotic surgeries as well which are done to treat cancer from many types of cancer.

Some of them are radical nephrectomy, trans-oral robotic surgery (TORS) and radical Hysterectomy, and other gynecological procedures.

All these procedures and surgeries are quite important and help patients get rid of tumors. 


What to expect 

When robotic surgery is performed, the two robotics arms are the main part of the tool which helps the surgeon to operate. The surgeon takes control of the two arms of robotic equipment from a console.

The surgeon operates these arms with a joystick and maintains the movement of these robotic arms.   

The surgeon will make a small incision at the site of the tumor and insert equipment and a camera inside the body. This camera helps to get an image of the inside of the body. After locating the tumor, it will be removed from the body.  

The robotic arms respond to the movement made by the surgeon and perform in the same manner. These robotic arms can be set to automatic to let the machine calculate and analyze for precise movements and removal of tumors.  

As you get to know that you will go under robot-assisted surgery, then consult your doctor before to know more about the procedure. Follow the directions and manage things before the surgery. It will be an overnight surgery and it may take a few days to recover from the surgery.  

Suggest a doctor for diet and exercise advice. It is advised to share details about any other medical condition you may be suffering from. Ask the doctor beforehand for any dietary restrictions. If you experience any side effects after surgery, contact a doctor as soon as possible. 


Benefits of robotic surgery 

Robotic surgery is one such invention that is completely changing the medical field. It makes complex surgeries easier by providing a better view of organs. Generally, it is much safer than traditional surgical methods.  

These robotic arms provide a high-definition, 3D view of organs which lets the surgeon get a better view of the site of operation as compared to the traditional method. The robotic arms provide a greater range of movement and can reach places easily which were hard to reach in the traditional way of surgery. 

Some of the most basic advantages of robotic surgery are; 

  • Smaller incisions are made 
  • Less wound scarring of incision 
  • Less painful 
  • Reduced blood loss during surgery 
  • Lower risk of getting an infection  
  • Shorter recovery period 
  • Hospital stays for a shorter duration 


Complications involved 

As a modern technology, robotic surgery has many advantages but on the other hand, it also has a few limitations. The major limitations are listed below: 

  • The cost of robotic surgery is quite expensive. The cost of installation of these equipment and robotic tools is high enough to make the overall surgery costly. It also requires proper maintenance which can add up to it becoming this expensive.  
  • The operation of these robotic technologies requires specialized skills. This expertise is only mastered by a few surgeons who have years of experience. Not any surgeon can operate these instruments and perform the surgery. 
  • As it is a machine, after all, robotic instruments may experience any mechanical failure or breakdown. It can become a major issue for the robotic equipment to experience any such error and hinder the operation. Even though the possibility of such events is minute. 


How can cancer rounds help you? 

Cancer Rounds helps hundreds of cancer patients get treatment from top hospitals in India. We are in association with many top-class oncologists who have treated millions of cancer patients and saved their lives. These doctors are skilled with multiple years of experience.  

Send us a query to contact an oncologist today!  


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Posted by, magneto
November 25, 2022

What Could Lead to Cancer?


Cancer is one of the most prevalent diseases in today’s world. Many people around the world suffer from cancer every day. The exact reason and cause for many types of cancer are still unknown but some factors are contributing to increasing the risk of certain cancers.  

The cases are increasing at a higher rate. Researchers have studied the prevalence of cancer and it is observed that one out of nine Indians will develop cancer once in their lifetime. Hence cancer is becoming one of the major causes of death.  

Many things could lead to cancer in a patient. One of the major factors is lifestyle changes and habits. Cancer is one of the lifestyle diseases that can be caused by lifestyle habits. It majorly involves eating habits, drinking, physical activities, etc.  

Genetic changes are also one of the major causes of cancer that is observed in 5 to 10% of patients. This implies that although we cannot prevent cancer, we can largely reduce the risk of cancer. This can be done by implementing lifestyle changes into your daily life. 


Things that are the most common cause of cancer 

There are numerous causes of cancer but some of the factors are common in many types of cancer. Some of these factors are: 


  • Tobacco consumption 

Tobacco is one of the most common factors that cause cancer. Most of the Indian population consumes tobacco daily. Tobacco is the single factor that can cause different types of cancers. Consumption of tobacco can lead to mouth, tongue, throat, lung, cervical cancer, etc.   

Chewing tobacco in any form such as Tabaku, Gutka, pan masala, etc. Can lead to mouth and throat cancer. Other forms of tobacco intake such as vaping, smoking cigarettes, hookah, etc. are also harmful and can lead to cancer. 

Taking tobacco in any form is hazardous to health, hence must be prohibited. Tobacco chewing is quite common in rural India and oral cancer is one of the most common types of cancer which affects village people.  

The risk of cancer due to tobacco can be reduced by quitting the consumption of tobacco. Although most people find it difficult to quit, there are many ways to help them.  

There are many support groups and communities which help people quit smoking and tobacco intake. Professional health is also available in hospitals and clinics.  


  • Alcohol consumption 

It is a well-known fact that alcohol consumption is harmful to health. Alcohol is known to disrupt the functioning of the kidneys and liver, but it is also one of the major factors that can increase the risk of cancer. 

Alcohol consumption can make a person more prone to mouth, throat, larynx, esophagus, liver, colon, rectum, and breast cancer. Usually, we consider a high amount of consumption of alcohol with cancer which is true of some types of cancer. But even a small amount of alcohol consumption can lead to cancer such as breast cancer.  

Excess consumption of alcohol not only increases the risk of having cancer, but also increases the risk of having other lifestyle diseases such as hypertension, liver diseases, anxiety, and depression.  

The risk of cancer from alcohol can be reduced by reducing the amount of alcohol intake. A person who is addicted to alcohol can take professional help and quit drinking.  


  • Intaking processed food 

In today’s running world, many of us don’t have time to prepare healthy food at home. Therefore, a lot of working people prefer consuming processed food items that are ready to eat. Processed food items include many things such as chips, bread, packed milk, juices, etc. These food items that have already been cooked, frozen, canned, cured, packaged, etc. to preserve them, are known as processed foods.  

Most of the food items in our fridge and pantry are processed food. It may be difficult to avoid eating these items, but with daily habits and strong determination, these food items can get replaced with healthy fresh food.  

Anyone can avoid intaking such items by making small changes in their daily life food choices. You can make a list of grocery items before going to the market and avoid purchasing processed food items or buy more fruits and vegetables to avoid eating processed food. You can make more time for cooking and try out new recipes to enjoy your meal.  

These small changes can have a lot more positive effects on you than you can think of.  


  • Limited physical activity 

It is quite common for most people to say that they have desk jobs, and they don’t get time for exercise or gym. Limited physical activity can increase the risk of cancer. Sitting for hours can lead to obesity which is one of the major risk factors for cancer.  

Not only cancer, but obesity can lead to many other lifestyle disorders such as hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, etc.  

Exercising daily for at least 30 min can reduce this risk drastically. Normal exercises such as jogging, cardio, yoga, swimming, cycling or running, etc can help a person stay out of the risk zone of having cancer.  


  • Unhealthy food 

There are several unhealthy food items that an individual usually takes daily, which can lead to cancer. Food items such as sugary drinks, raw meat, undercooked seafood, processed cheese, flavored dairy products, etc. Are associated with increasing the risk of cancer.  

Cold drinks and processed juices have higher sugar levels than fresh fruit juices. These sugary contents are associated with causing obesity which eventually leads to cancer. Therefore, these sugary drinks are risk factors for cancer.  

Other food items like undercooked seafood or raw meat are associated with stomach cancer and intestine cancer. To avoid such diseases, one must quit eating these food items and switch to healthy food, such as protein, beans, green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits, etc.  

Adding healthy food to the diet can improve your immune system and help your body fight against cancer cells at an early stage.  


Cancer rounds are one such organization that helps people suffering from cancer get a consultation from India’s top doctors. We work with patients and doctors to build a bridge of reliability and provide the best treatment available to the patients. You can send us a query and our team will contact you. 


Posted by, magneto
November 15, 2022

Quality of life for a Cancer Patient


What is the quality of life for cancer patients? 

Quality of life is a dynamic term. It involves many aspects of life be it physical, mental, or social.

It is a broad term that may have different meanings for different individuals. It may sound different for cancer patients as compared to normal healthy human beings.  

A lot of people suffer from cancer every year. They get treatment and depending upon the overall health of a patient, the recovery period may vary.

Some people recover quickly while some take years. Even though the chance of recurrence is similar for a type of cancer.  

This article broadly defines the quality of life in the sight of cancer patients and how you can improve it.  


What does QOL include? 

The quality of life of a cancer patient depends on many factors. It includes many things such as physical health, mental health, social health, and other aspects of life. These factors are discussed below briefly: 


Physical health –

This includes overall energy, strength, and organ functionality. In cancer patients, it is much more important to take care of the physical health of the patient. The physical well-being of a cancer patient may look different compared to a normal healthy individual.  

Cancer patients may experience pain in their bodies which may restrict their ability to do basic activities. It is crucial during the time of recovery to indulge in some minor physical activities to make the body healthier. It helps to provide relief from symptoms.  

Mental health –

Mental health is a way to convey the ability to control and sense emotions. During diseases like cancer which drain out not only the body but also the mind of the patient, it is important to maintain a healthy mindset.  

Being overemotional can physically weaken the patient. It is also required to accept the condition and balance the aspects of life towards a positive future. Most commonly cancer patients experience depression, anger, stress, and suicidal thoughts.  

It is necessary to become strong-willed to win the battle against cancer. Mental distress and altered priorities in life can bring fear of the unknown in the patient’s life. Many patients join support groups and communities to see the positive side of life.  

Social Interactions –

We majorly focus on the physical and mental health of a person, but we underestimate the other factors that can help a cancer patient to get well soon.  

We must understand how much positive impact it can have on a patient’s life when they feel the presence of their loved ones. The involvement of family and friends in the recovery session can bring drastic improvement to the patient’s body. These interactions can improve the ability of the patient to deal with the hurdles of cancer.  


Factors affecting QOL 

Several factors can affect the quality of life of a cancer patient, some of which are as follows: 


  • Age – Age is one of the major factors that affect the quality of life for a cancer patient. As age increases the quality of life after cancer treatment decreases. As the human body becomes weak and the immune system also weakens over some time.  

Generally, older cancer patients experience many side effects and symptoms of cancer which also take a longer time to heal. Patients who are over the age of 50 require much care and support.  


  • Stage of cancer – The stage at which cancer is diagnosed in a patient impacts the quality of life among cancer patients. Patients with advanced stages of cancer are less likely to get cured. It is observed that patients who got diagnosed with cancer at lower stages have a better quality of life. 


  • Overall health – A cancer patient can get treatment for cancer and live a better life, but the case gets complicated if the patient also suffers from other illnesses. Some of the most common diseases observed in many cancer patients are diabetes, hypertension, cardiac diseases, and depression.  

It gets difficult to treat cancer if a person is already suffering from other lifestyle diseases. It decreases the quality of life for a cancer patient. Depending upon the type of disease, stage of cancer, and type of cancer the quality of life varies for different patients. 


  • Cancer Treatment – The main treatment option that is used to treat cancer in a patient is decided by the doctor. It depends on many things such as the overall health of the patient, type of cancer, stage of cancer, age of the patient, etc.  

Getting the right type of treatment at the right time can majorly impact the quality of life of the patient. Along the way of treatment, it is advised to take steps to support a better quality of life.  


  • Financial factors – Cancer treatment consists of many things. It involves diagnostic tests, treatment methods, hospital stays, medicines, recovery, and follow-up consultations. All these things can become a major burden for cancer patients and their loved ones.  

The overall cost of treatment for different types of cancer can vary a lot. Many types of diagnostic tests are specific for a specific type of cancer. This financial stress can eventually affect the physical and mental health of a patient which can decline the quality of life for the patient.  


Ways to improve QOL 

There are several ways to improve the quality of life of a cancer patient. Some of the lifestyle changes may be required by the patient to make in their daily life after treatment. These changes can help the patient live longer and have a healthy life, such as: 


  • Physical activities  

Studies have shown that patients who exercise daily or do some physical activity can help them recover faster from treatment side effects. Doing small activities like walking, swimming, jogging, running, yoga or cycling according to your ability can help you manage your side effects and build muscle strength.  

Physical activities build muscle strength and provide the patient with a sense of achievement. This not only works best for the body to recover quickly, but mentally also a patient gets satisfaction. During the recovery period, it becomes more important to manage both mental and physical health. 


  • Social interactions 

As discussed above, social interaction with family and friends can improve the overall health of cancer patients which eventually improves their quality of life for them. Mental support from family, friends, partners or medical staff can fall under the term social support. The presence of a person who cares about the patient can give them the feeling of warmth and love they require to recover quickly.  

Many patients also join support groups and communities to interact with people going through the same phase of their life and provide support to each other. It can help spread awareness and help reduce any negative behavior changes in a cancer patient.  


  • Side effect management 

Cancer patients can experience many symptoms during and after cancer treatment. Some of the major side effects are pain, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, etc. Apart from these common symptoms, numerous other side effects affect many cancer patients during their cancer journey.  

These symptoms can affect the normal daily activities in a person’s life and hinder many activities.  

You can ask your doctor to prescribe you medication to control these symptoms. With time as the body recovers, these symptoms will reduce on their own.  


  • Emotional management 

Cancer can make a patient overwhelmed by the amount of time they spend in hospitals, experiencing different symptoms and pain they go through mentally and physically. This can be exhausting for any patient.  

It is important to keep your senses strong and look for the positive aspects of life. During the time of treatment and recovery, it becomes difficult to look forward to a better future. Consult your doctor and ask questions to get a better view of the treatment.  

Patient education entails a variety of educational items that assist in improving understanding of their ailment, treatment, and preventative actions. It will help to keep the patient emotionally clear about the outcomes and quality of life after treatment. 


  • Counseling  

It is often advised by doctors to get counseling after treatment. It helps the patient to cope with emotional distress and its reaction. It also helps to manage side effects and other personal issues related to cancer. Cognitive-behavioral therapy involves changing negative ideas and behaviors connected with cancer with more beneficial ones. 


How can Cancer Rounds help?

We are one such organization that assists cancer patients at any stage of cancer to get the best treatment from India’s top doctors.

We have worked with thousands of patients and supported them during their battle with cancer to get world-class treatment in the finest hospitals in India.

People across the country have received different types of cancer treatment in top cancer hospitals through us. To get a consultation from the best oncologists, contact us.

Posted by, magneto
November 10, 2022

Healthy Diet in Cancer


Even on ordinary days, diet and food intake are important for a healthy life. But it becomes much more important for someone who is suffering from cancer. Cancer can hinder the growth of other healthy cells by taking up all the energy from food.  

This causes side effects during and after treatment. These side effects can be controlled through dietary supplements and organic food items. There are doctors that can help you plan your diet. 

Registered dietitians have received specialized training in the dietary requirements of persons suffering from certain ailments. Your dietician can assist you in planning meals that provide you with the appropriate quantity of calories and nutrients. 


Why is diet important for cancer? 

Cancer treatment can lead to different side effects which also include loss of appetite. This could lead to weight loss and other severe problems.

A well-balanced diet can help the patient to maintain a healthy weight, which is really important during treatment. During chemotherapy and radiation therapy, it becomes crucial to maintain a healthy weight. Obtaining a healthy weight through a nutrition-rich diet can help: 

  • Assist in the management of side effects of cancer treatment 
  • Increase your energy and muscle through protein intake 
  • Maintain immunological function to avoid getting infections 
  • Inflammation should be reduced 


Before treatment 

After getting diagnosed with cancer, the doctor will let you know all the possible treatment options that could help you.

The major treatment methods are surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy. These methods are most commonly used to treat any type of cancer depending upon the stage of cancer.  

Even before the treatment starts, a patient must take a nutrient-rich diet to ensure that they have a body that can get under the treatment method. Usually, the treatment is not harmful, but the drugs used for cancer are high-dose and may cause several side effects.  

You may not know what side effects the treatment method can cause, as different individuals suffer from different types of side effects. There will be days when you might not want to eat anything. So, so it is advised to eat before and at least make the body strong enough to resist some of the side effects.  

Before treatment is the best time to plan for future meals as well. You can add nuts, yogurt, different vegetables, and multiple grains to your diet. Ask your doctor for any other add-ons that you must have in your diet. 


During treatment 

For many people, the day of treatment is quite overwhelming, and they may feel nervous, which can eventually affect their appetite. There will be days when you will be hungry and days when you don’t want to eat anything at all. So, it is important that you eat on days that you feel like eating. You can even ask your doctor for certain medications for your side effects after a treatment session.  

Try to intake more protein and calories during your treatment sessions. The protein will help you to keep your body strong and repair the damaged cells. Ingest protein-rich food like eggs, milk, milk products, meat, etc. If you are on chemotherapy, try to take more liquid intake such as juices, water, and other drinks.  

Consult your doctor or nutritionist beforehand and make a diet chart for yourself during cancer treatment.  


After treatment 

After treatment, it is essential to keep the diet more nutrient-rich. The recovery period is mostly about taking protein and calories as much as possible.

Many people experience weakness following the treatment of cancer. Nausea, vomiting, and other symptoms are prevalent in patients. To alleviate these symptoms, a well-balanced diet high in nutrients and calories is required.

The patient’s diet should include calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and vitamin D since these are the major elements that will aid in the patient’s recovery. 

If you suffer from any other condition, then consult your doctor for a better diet plan and things you must avoid.  


How to manage side effects? 

There are many side effects of cancer treatment that can affect the patient during and after treatment. It may take some time to get over these side effects, but with dietary changes, it becomes easier to take control of them.

Some of the changes that you can implement in your diet according to the side effects are: 

  • Appetite loss – Instead of eating 3 full meals have short multiple meals. Eat nutrition-rich food which must include vitamin D, calcium, protein, carbohydrates, zinc, etc.  

  • Constipation – Try to drink more water and fiber-rich food items. You can include green leafy vegetables in your meals such as spinach, kale, moringa, cabbage, etc.  

  • Diarrhea – Take drinks and food which are rich in sodium and potassium ions such as broth, bananas, fruit juices, etc.  

  • Taste loss – It is quite often observed that many patients experience loss of taste after treatment. This can be controlled or overcome by taking strong spices and strong flavor food items such as lemon. 

  • Nausea – Nausea is the most common side effect of cancer treatment. Taking antinausea food and supplements can help you control this feeling of nausea. Food items such as citrus, peppermint, and ginger can help with nausea. 

Posted by, magneto
October 31, 2022

How Is Immunotherapy Changing Cancer Treatment?

immunotherapy for cancer treatment

What is Immunotherapy?

Immunotherapy or immuno-oncology is a type of cancer treatment that uses the power of the body’s own immune system to treat cancer by either controlling, preventing or eliminating cancer.

The role of immunotherapy in cancer is to boost the immune cells to overpower and eliminate cancer cells.

It educates the immune system on targeting specific cancer cells and provides the body with additional integrants to enhance its immune response.

Immunotherapy for cancer treatment comes in a variety of forms. It includes targeted antibodies, cancer vaccines, tumour-infecting viruses, adoptive cell transfer, cytokines and adjuvant therapy.

Immunotherapy is interchangeably used with biological therapy. Because they use elements from living organisms to fight disease, immunotherapies are a type of biotherapy (also known as biologic therapy).

Gene therapies are immunotherapy treatments that use genetic engineering to improve immune cells’ cancer-fighting capabilities.

Many immunotherapy treatments for cancer prevention, management, or treatment can be combined with surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, or targeted therapies to boost their efficacy.


Which Type of Cancer can be Treated with Immunotherapy?

Immunotherapy is suggested on a case-by-case basis to see if it is right and beneficial for each patient. Immunotherapy has proven to be a promising therapeutic option for a variety of cancers, including breast cancer, bladder cancer, cervical cancer, colorectal cancer, leukaemia, liver cancer, lung cancer, multiple myeloma, prostate cancer and many others.

Immunotherapies can be injected into a vein, injected into a muscle, or injected under the skin. Certain types of immunotherapy can be administered directly to the tumour’s location in the bodily cavity.


What is the Cost of Immunotherapy in India?

Immunotherapy treatment intended for cancer patients stimulates the immune system of the body to battle the cells of cancer. Immunotherapy started a few years ago and advances every day in India.

The expense for a session varies from 1-1.5 lakh INR. Doctors plan therapy hours and prescription levels according to the professional assessment of the patient and further necessities.

There could be numerous immunotherapy sessions within one month depending on the patient’s condition.


How can Cancer rounds help you?

Cancer Rounds is committed to delivering the best immunotherapy treatment at the best cost so that our patients can benefit from them.

Additionally, our multispecialty team of professionals provides excellent clinical care for immunotherapy patients, regularly assessing their responses to treatment and changing their treatment regimens as appropriate.

For appointments or queries, visit www.

Posted by, magneto
February 21, 2022

15 Feb : International Childhood Cancer Day

International Childhood Cancer Day

15th of February is International Childhood Cancer Day. It is celebrated globally to raise awareness about childhood cancer, express gratitude and support for children, cancer survivors and families. Every year, more than 4 lakh children and adolescents under the age of 20 are diagnosed with cancer. In India, around 50,000 children are diagnosed with cancer each year, or one child every 11 minutes. Early detection and specialized, precise treatment is an indispensable solution to fighting this disease.


Cancer Rounds celebrates this day to show immense support, compassion and offer help to children and their families suffering from this dreaded disease.


Symptoms: Some generalized symptoms of cancer in children include unusual swelling, pallor in the child (pale appearance), loss of appetite, loss of weight, etc. Early detection of the cancer is the key to preventing cancer from worsening.


Following are the most common cancers seen in children.

  • Leukemia: The most prevalent childhood cancer is leukemia, which is a disease of the bone marrow and blood. They account for roughly 28% of all childhood malignancies. Acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) and acute myeloid leukemia (AML) are the most frequent forms in children


  • Brain and spinal cord tumors: These are the second most frequently occurring cancer in children, accounting for around 26% of all cancers in this age group. There are different types of brain and spinal cord cancers, each with its own treatment and prognosis.


  • Neuroblastoma: This type of cancer develops in the initial stages of nerve cells in a growing embryo or fetus. Neuroblastomas account for about 6% of all juvenile malignancies. This is a malignancy that affects newborns and young children. It is uncommon in children above the age of ten years.


  • Nephroblastoma (also known as Wilms tumor) is cancer that originates in one or both kidneys. It is most frequent in kids between the ages of 3 and 4, and it is uncommon in older children and adults.


  • Lymphoma (including both Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin): Lymphomas arise in immune system cells called lymphocytes. The lymph nodes or other lymph tissues, such as the tonsils or thymus, are the most common sites for these cancers to begin.


  • Bone cancer (includes osteosarcoma and Ewing sarcoma): Bone cancers (primary bone cancers) are most common in older children and teenagers, but they can develop at any age. They are responsible for around 3% of all childhood cancers.


  • Other less frequent childhood cancers include cancer of the skeletal muscles (Rhabdomyosarcoma) accounting for 3% of childhood cancers and cancer of the eyes (Retinoblastoma) accounting for 2% of the childhood cancers.


Cancer Rounds strikes to bring you the best cancer treatment from the best cancer hospital in Gurgaon and across India, help you connect with the best oncologist and provide a hassle-free experience. Let us all join hands and help the little hearts to fight cancer.

Posted by, magneto
February 15, 2022

Options to Preserve Fertility In Female Cancer Survivors

For cancer survivors to preserve fertility is the first physiological need these days. And fertility preservation thus is becoming increasingly significant to improve the quality of life in cancer survivors. The ability to have children is called fertility. Best hematologist in India and oncology team of the best cancer hospital in Gurgaon collectively advocate the recommended guidelines suggesting that discussion of fertility preservation should be done prior to starting cancer therapies. 

Globally there is a lack of implementation in this area but India is leading with the solution as the oncologist team has session of counselling for patient in lieu of cryopreservation and fertility preservation. 

To briefly introduce, with the research and innovations in the are there are number of techniques available for fertility preservation, and they can be used individually or together in the same patient to maximize efficiency.  

Adding to this, Oocyte and embryo cryopreservation are now established techniques. The cryopreservations have their limitations but every lock has key. Ovarian tissue cryopreservation is a wider clinical application with the advantage of keeping the fertility window open for a longer time. Both the conventional arms of treatment, chemotherapy and radiotherapy have a major impact on reproductive potential. This is indicative of fertility preservation procedures – that should be carried out prior to these treatments.  

Cancer in females of reproductive age accounts for nearly 10% of new cancer diagnoses. Most common cancers presenting in this group of youth affecting female include breast, thyroid, cervical, uterine, melanoma, lymphoma, and colon cancer. Over the past four decades, advances in surgery and adjuvant therapy have led to improved 5-year survival rates for breast (85.5%), endometrial (91%), cervical (83.2%), and ovarian cancers (79.5%). These improved outcomes have resulted in an increased number of cancer survivors but many therapies are harmful to the ovaries and put women at risk of premature ovarian failure and infertility. This is significant as nearly 25% of today’s cancer survivors are reproductive-aged woman who may wish to have children. Embryo cryopreservation is a widely established method for preserving reproductive capacity and due to its high pregnancy rates, it is considered the “gold standard” fertility preservation option. This procedure is offering the best chances of a live birth in the future as well. This solution also works in cases of male, that means the male cancer patient may store his sperm before treatment. Doing this is a way of preserving fertility. 

But, in case you have undergone chemotherapy treatment then still no need to worry. After cancer treatment also, the ovarian tissue can be thawed and placed in the pelvis (transplanted). Once the transplanted tissue starts to function again, the eggs can be collected and attempts to fertilize them can be done in the lab. A man may have no sperm in his semen after cancer treatment. But he may still have healthy sperm in his testicles. During a testicular sperm extraction, the doctor removes small pieces of testicular tissue. Any healthy sperm cells found in this tissue can be used to make a baby. 

The need for fertility preservation has not yet weighed against morbidity and mortality associated with cancer. Thus, a multidisciplinary collaboration between oncologists and reproductive specialists to improve awareness and availability is a necessity. 

Posted by, magneto
February 2, 2022

Suspected for Diagnosis of Cancer – Identify The Symptoms Associated With It

Cancer is a most deadly and ironic diagnosis that is becoming one of the leading causes of increased mortality these days. Cancer can be successfully treated if it is identified at an early stage by symptoms of cancer and in certain cases can be cured.

The cancer treatment design also includes palliative care services to recover emotionally and this is of great help to cancer patients and survivors. The diagnostic workup done for early-stage diagnosis of suspected cancer cases include the screening steps and diagnosing the disease as early as possible is very important for a good prognosis.

Cancer can be identified by its symptoms at an early stage. There are many symptoms of cancer that are considered easily dismissible that can be caused by benign tumors, injury, illness, and other health issues.

The golden rule to raise an alarm concerning health is if a symptom is not getting better after a few days or weeks, then you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. This is the time to get diagnosed and treated timely if required.

The conventional treatment arms include cancer surgery, therapy, or any other treatment advised by the treating oncologist. Sometimes, you may not experience any kind of pain even if you have cancer as recommended by the clinical experience of the best oncologist in Gurgaon.

The idea is not to waste time waiting for symptoms to grow severe. Get in touch with a doctor at the earliest without underestimating the symptoms and don’t get afraid of the word cancer remember cancer is a group of diseases that is treatable.


1. Sudden Increase or Decrease in Body Weight – If you have increased or decreased your body weight but you do not know what the reason is, then you should consult your doctor and get diagnosed as soon as possible.

2. Lumps – Any unexplained lumps in your body could be a sign of cancer. A few body parts where you could find lumps are the groin area, testicles, stomach, underarms, or neck.

3. Swelling – If you are having any kind of swelling in any part of the body such as the groin, stomach, underarms, or neck, then get yourself checked by the doctor for cancer.

4. Changes in the Skin – says that it’s high time you get it checked by a doctor. Here are a few signs that you should look out for.

5. Yellow Skin & White in the Eyes – If you have yellow skin and white in the eyes, then you may have jaundice. Jaundice is one of the symptoms of cancer.

6. Non-Healing Soreness in your body – if it is not healing for a long time, then it might be a sign of cancer.

7. New Mole – If you recently have any new mole in your body or you can find any change in an already existing mole, then check yourself for the symptoms of cancer.

8. Bleeding – Bleeding or a Scaly Lump on the body, which is in flesh color and is bleeding or turning scaly, could be a symptom of cancer.

9. Neurological issues – Problems in Neurological Systems like face drooping, changes in hearing, changes in vision or eyesight, seizures, or headache, all these neurological symptoms could be a sign of cancer.

10. Changes of Mouth – Changes in the mouth such as numbness, pain, or bleeding in the mouth or lip, Red or white Patch in the mouth or on the tongue, Blood in saliva, and Night Sweating can be signs of underlying cancer.

11. Changes in Bowel habits – Abnormal bowel movements for a long time, it’s a cancer symptom that you need to watch out for. Pencil-thin stool or bloody stools are also cancer symptoms related to colon cancer.

12. Changes in the Bladder – It could be related to bladder cancer or pelvic tumor. These symptoms include blood in urine, pain while urinating, slow flow of urine, high-frequency urination, irritation, and a small amount of urine.

13. Changes in Breasts – It could be an indication of breast cancer. You can perform a self-examination and check for the signs: for instance, Puckered, dimpled, scaly, red, itchy breast skin, Discharge or changes in the nipple, Bloody discharge from the nipple, change in the size of breast or nipple, Breast feels different

In case you or your loved being is suspected of any above-mentioned signs or symptoms- consult your healthcare provider. The same is advocated by the best oncologists in a cancer hospital in Gurgaon, for early diagnosis of cancer.

And for a second opinion, you Can also consult the virtual hospital for cancer rounds.

Posted by, magneto
February 1, 2022

Parameters To Be Considered Wisely Before Choosing Breast Cancer Treatment Oncologist

breast cancer treatment

After being diagnosed with breast cancer, each patient and his/her loved being need to approach the best oncologists for the best breast cancer treatment in India. In the process of choosing an oncologist’s team for treatment, to get the best care, need to consider certain parameters. The treating team for breast cancer treatment includes specialists such as a breast surgeon, a medical oncologist, a radiation oncologist, a plastic surgeon, and a genetic counselor.

The process of searching for doctors might seem overwhelming. But it needs research and in spite of feeling tempted to rush into decisions, so you can start treatment as soon as possible – the first and foremost need is to remain calm and approach the best cancer hospital with the best oncologists.

Now you must be worried that what you need to keep in mind you need to carefully select the doctors that are right for you and your patients.


Following parameters shall be wisely approached to consider when selecting each of the key members of the cancer treatment team:

1. Do oncologists and team members communicate well?

Communication is an essential part to be considered. As the treating oncologist explains things in a way you can understand, listens to you and/or the patient, and takes your concerns seriously. Remember the treating doctor should not act dismissive or threatened when you bring up treatment options you’ve researched or you mention the second opinion issues in your mind.

If possible, bring a loved being or your caretaker along to your appointments to help you form an understanding bond with to doctor. When you’re anxious or upset, it’s hard to catch and judge the interaction.


2. Do they have the experience and they are specialists in the field?

Make sure your oncologists have the right training, degrees, and experience. For example, choosing the best oncologist who specializes in breast cancer treatment rather than in treating several kinds of cancer- is a necessity to be considered. Also, see if a doctor is following advances and innovations in the stream. As if he can help you enroll in clinical trials and treatment approaches that are relevant to your situation.


3. Is their paramedical and office staff responsive?

Pay attention to whether the oncologist’s team and the doctor’s office staff are helpful, and return/answer your calls. If setting up appointments is too frustrating, that is not a green signal. However, try talking with your doctor about any problems and if still you don’t find a solution- then you may switch practices.


4. Could you follow up with them over the long term considering the distance from your living space and your economic status?

Your oncologists might be working with you extra particularly if you have metastatic breast cancer- an advanced-stage disease. This indicates that you are taking hormonal therapy on a long-term basis, or if you have an inherited gene mutation then in this case it’s best to choose the best oncologist who is going to be in practice for a long time and isn’t close to retiring. Also, the treating oncologists must not be in a far place and in a position to understand your economic status.


5. Do you want to keep looking for another doctor for a second opinion?

Ultimately, your goal should be to get the best care or provide the best care to your patient. Right from the beginning of your treatment don’t hesitate to get a second opinion if you’re lacking confidence in a particular doctor’s treatment recommendations, expertise, or communication skills. Asking for opinions from other doctors can also help and don’t hide it from your current doctor.

Opting for the best cancer treatment in India, the best oncologists, or the second opinion – please consider contacting Cancer Rounds.

Posted by, Medical Team, Cancer Rounds
January 31, 2022


Radiation Therapy

Radiation therapy is one of the conventional treatment arms in the cancer world. In this treatment making use of high energy to destroy human body cells is a basic mechanism. This process of Radiation therapy that follows the principle of targeting only the diseased cells in the body is planned in a way that the healthy cells are left intact as far as possible. This planning is done by experts referred to as radiation oncologists.


When Does Radiation Therapy Require?

The conditions in which Radiation therapy is useful for treating are the following:


1. Malignant Conditions:

Radiation therapy is exploited in the treatment of various cancers at some stage with a good predicted outcome like blood cancer, bone cancer, liver cancer, breast cancer, brain cancer, stomach cancer, and skin cancer, are some names that respond well to radiation therapy.


2. Benign Conditions:

Goiter (swelling of the thyroid gland), spurs (bony outgrowths), and several painful and inflammatory diseases of the joints like bursitis and tendonitis, are some examples of benign conditions which respond well when treated with radiation therapy. It is percutaneous here to mention that Radiation therapy is not used as often for benign conditions.

Radiation oncologists are experts as cancer specialists who administer Radiation Therapy and this stream needs a lot of study and precision.

The use of radiation therapy differs from case to case, demographic details, cancer type, stage grade, etc. in the world of oncology treatment radiation therapy is also used in combination with chemotherapy and surgery.

Conventional arm as alone strategy or Primary Mode of Treatment considered to be Radiation therapy> Means that it can be used independently as the primary and first line of treatment.

Radiation therapy in some cases of cancer is given before Surgery because in advanced cases of cancer, the tumor is very big, and as some of the tumors get destroyed, it becomes easier to be removed with surgery.

Radiation therapy in some cases is considered after Surgery the situations when cancer cells are present in adjacent organs or lymph nodes. In such cases, the remnant cancerous tissue is destroyed using radiation therapy.

In conjunction with Chemotherapy, the use of radiation therapy is preferred as a palliative treatment arm. At times, radiation therapy is used to treat palliate symptoms. It aids to shrink the tumor and subsequently reduces the symptoms which occur.


Methods/Techniques of Radiation Therapy

The various types of radiation therapy methods also available in the best cancer hospitals in India have been described below.


1. External Radiation Therapy:

X-Rays, gamma rays, or high-energy particles can be used in this form of therapy.


  • Radiation Therapy external: usually administered in cycles. Each cycle could last for about 1 hour and is repeated daily for about 5-6 days consecutively. This may be repeated as long as the doctor feels necessary.


  • 3D Conformal Radiation Therapy: three-dimensional images of the cancer tissue are created using particular software that helps in visualizing the target organ better.


  • Intensity Modulate Radiation Therapy: it is a form of radiation therapy in which the intensity of the radiation beam can be altered. This ensures that the proper dose of radiation is administered.


  • Conformal Proton Beam Radiation Therapy: this form of treatment is utilizing a proton beam. In the proton beam, the protons are positively charged particles and this is relatively a new form of treatment.


  • Stereotactic radiosurgery: Allows the administration of a large dose of radiation to a relatively smaller area of cancer.


2. Internal Radiation Therapy (Brachytherapy)

It does not make use of radiation beams to treat. The radioactive substance is usually placed in the form of small pellets or seeds during this process – also known as seed implantation.

Radiation Therapy Internal includes interventional stage a for introducing the radioactive pellets inside. Radioactive forms of iodine, cesium, gold, cobalt, iridium, palladium, and ruthenium are usually used in brachytherapy. Preparation for brachytherapy involves deciding the radioactive substance to be chosen.

Internal radiation therapy is classified in the following two manners:


Depending Upon the Duration:

  • Temporary: the radioactive pellets are introduced within the patient’s body and are removed sometime later.
  • Permanent: the pellets are introduced in the patient’s body in or around the target tissue and left there.


Depending Upon the Implantation Site:

  • Intracavity: radioactive material is inserted within a body cavity, the therapy is intracavity brachytherapy
  • Interstitial: the radioactive material may be inserted around the tumor or in the tumor walls. This is defined as interstitial brachytherapy.


The above-described types of radiation therapy can be administered individually or in combination- FOR MORE DETAILS CONTACT THE EXPERT TEAM OF ONCOLOGIST FOR RADIATION THERAPY IN INDIA WITH CANCER ROUNDS

Posted by, magneto

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