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The Fourth Stanchion in The Treatment World of Cancer is Interventional Oncology- As Multidisciplinary Arm of Treatment

Interventional Oncology

One of the recent evolving branches of interventional radiology, which relies on highly sophisticated treatment tools accompanied by precise imaging guidance to target and destroy malignant tumors are referred to as Interventional Oncology.

The field of Interventional Oncology is an important pavement to potential benefits for both patients and the healthcare system.

Being a new discipline multidisciplinary treatment arm, interventional oncology is considered by the best hematologist in India as the wider field of oncology. In the cancer hospital Gurgaon, all oncologists, and experts prefer, its application in regard to a cornerstone of modern cancer care.

Yes, interventional oncology offers strong collaboration between radiation oncology and interventional oncology, aiming at treatment or cure means treatment with remission or palliative cure.

A robust quality-assurance framework to support the integration of interventional oncology into multidisciplinary care provides benefits to health care practitioners, cancer patients, and to the wider field of oncology research as well. A recent offshoot of interventional radiology is interventional oncology has evolved as an independent stanchion within multidisciplinary oncologic care.

Intervention oncology is one of the minimally-invasive image-guided tumor therapy defined as comprehensive unlimited technological innovation. Best hematologist in India and best oncologist in Mumbai refer patients for Interventional oncology with the expectation that minimally-invasive therapies incorporated in oncologic care plans with sister disciplines will gratify a new level of clinical collaboration. This is predicted to research results of many years and is more based on prospectively collected clinical evidence. An Interventional Oncology -IO practice is preferred in treatment regimen by a young generation that includes procedures like minimally-invasive, image-guided tumor therapies.

Workbench for an interventional oncologist incorporates less un-common services for cancer patients including venous/enteral access, biopsies, and palliative procedures. Mentioned cancer care tool kit is representing the initial point of contact. Followed by therapeutic concepts and rapid solutions for increasingly complex Carcinogenesis with symptom relief as a common result. The satisfaction rate in terms of patient analysis and quality care index pick a spike with an excellent impression of referring physicians and treating oncologists.

Cancer is now the leading cause of death worldwide and at the same time, medicine as a whole is undergoing a phase of transformation in the light turning to the dark of declining reimbursements. Recent advances have provided interventional oncology as a different treatment and the unique position of the treatment world of oncology. Being a technology-driven specialty, it is able to fulfil the professional requirements for highly specialized experts who have the skill and the will to grow a practice.

Maintaining and expanding the fourth stanchion of clinical oncology requires steps above the technical skills learned in a fellowship. For these interventional oncologists are ready to speak the language of oncology, which ensures broadening knowledge of the science and practice of interventional oncology.

Interventional oncology as a separate branch to communicate in oncology streams as a multidisciplinary arm focuses on the fundamentals of the other oncologic disciplines to be widely accepted treatment in guidelines for various cancers as well.

Our obligation of clinical research and development by Interventional Oncology upholds the rigid standards of evidence-based medicine and is surely an evolving oncological solution. Tremendous progress has been made over the last decade, to which an example is a trial involving the ability to influence clinical guidelines in lieu of hepatocellular carcinoma. In these two therapies performed by interventional oncologists, ablation and chemoembolization, are incorporated into official treatment guidelines globally. And new norm for answering clinical questions based on prospective multicentre phase II or III studies, either single-arm or randomized is on rapid research events.

To conclude Interventional Oncology is an exciting area which is exploiting vascular and non vascular procedures similar to or identical to other procedures performed by Interventional Radiologists. This allows oncologists in making practice development feasible to use physician extenders to maximize efficiency in practice.

Posted by, Medical Team, Cancer Rounds
January 18, 2022



In the world of cancer, hematologist, oncologists focus on ways to reduce inflammation. The key to the lock lies not in the treatment regimen, but in the optimal diet.

Yes, the optimal diet for cancer patients and survivors is an anti-inflammatory diet. As it allows your body to fight off the inflammation that is able to damage your body’s healthy cells.

The mechanism of action by which an anti-inflammatory diet plan helps cancer patients and survivors:

First, let us discuss Inflammation: Biological immune response is activated when your body recognizes anything that is a foreign substance—such as an invading microbe, plant pollen, or chemical. This response triggers the cascade of inflammation.  This natural process protects the human body as a defense but sometimes persisting inflammation even in absence of threatened foreign invaders is not normal.

Relating this most of the diseases/disorders including cancer, diabetes, arthritis, heart disease—have been linked to persistent or chronic inflammation.

And among the effective tools for battling chronic inflammation, comes from the grocery store.

Yes, in literature database trials and experimental studies have proven “components of nutrition with anti-inflammatory effects helps the body fight illness like cancer and can protect it from harm.

The anti-inflammatory diet- optimal diet for cancer patients and survivors includes prebiotics, fiber, omega-3s, and antioxidants.

Ideally, an optimal diet to fight inflammation in your body is required to be enriched with vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes, and/or fatty fish.

Best hematologists in India and best oncologists are always in favor of natural Anti-Inflammatories to be incorporated into the diet to fight against cancer or reduce the risk of cancer.

We know you are looking to understand more about natural anti-inflammatories but it may require changing your eating habits as well.

As during treatment of cancer, the role of medication along with other treatments are important, -similarly, an anti-inflammatory diet is a must. And same is foundation for designing diet plan for oncology patients at cancer hospital in Gurgaon.

Just! changing what’s on your plate is a miraculous cure as this lessens the number of flare-ups and lowers down a few notches of having other problems as well.

If you or your loved being is diagnosed with cancer – we suggest that the mainstream nutrition is to eat anti-inflammatory foods.

The next questions you might be worried about is –

How protein requirement of the body will be fulfilled? – The quick fix to this is plant-based proteins (like beans and nuts).

The main outlook in an optimal diet plan for the anti-inflammatory diet of cancer patients or survivors is to avoid highly processed, overly greasy, or super sweet food.

Our specialized team of well-known and best oncologist, hematologist hereby support optimal diet/ anti-inflammatory meal plan helping to keep inflammation under control.

Anti-inflammatory recipes that can help you to make an optimal diet plan delicious are mentioned here:

  1. Oat porridge garnished with berries is a tasty meal to start a day that assure high doses of prebiotics, antioxidants, and fiber.
  2. For gluten-free options we can opt buckwheat and chia seed porridge. It will be able to boost omega-3 content, fiber, and protein.
  3. Turmeric in Scrambled eggs is surely an excellent source of protein, and vitamin D- with an extra anti-inflammatory boost. Since, Turmeric is rich in a compound called curcumin, responsible for managing oxidative and inflammatory conditions.
  4. Pineapple smoothie- another kick to start a day that is full of fiber and protein. The high levels of bromelain, which has anti-inflammatory is in Pineapple.
  5. Spinach tortilla that may be accompanied with a salad of green leafy vegetables, and broccoli, is a rich source of two polyphenols called quercetin and coenzyme Q10 and this reduces inflammation.
  6. Quinoa and citrus fruit salad contain lots of protein and nutrients with an antioxidant boost.
  7. Grape and apple slaw is a fun side dish that is a good source of another anti-inflammatory polyphenol called anthocyanins, resveratrol that helps to reduce inflammation.

We mention here that ingredients in food provide healthful benefits, but it’s still very essential to include a wide variety of whole food in the diet. The idea of the optimal diet with anti-inflammatory properties is to maintain balance.

Posted by, Medical Team, Cancer Rounds
January 10, 2022

Diet For Cancer patients

Diet for cancer patients

Diet for Cancer Patients 


Cancer ranks amongst the leading causes of death worldwide. Researches suggest that

practising lifestyle modifications such as maintaining a balanced and healthy diet for cancer patients could prevent 30-50% of all cancers. 


Growing evidence suggests the role of diet for cancer patients in increasing or decreasing cancer risk. Proper nutrition plays a very important role in coping and recovering from cancer. Specialists at are there to help you with a thorough dietary plan to cope up with cancer and avoid its recurrence.


Eat a balanced diet

Higher cancer risk is associated with the consumption of processed foods that are high in sugar and low in fibre and nutrients. In particular, a diet that raises the blood glucose levels are associated with an increased risk of many cancers, including stomach,

breast and colorectal cancer.

For example, one research showed that more than 47,000 adults who ate high refined carbs were more than twice as likely to get affected by colon cancer than those who ate low refined carbs. Moreover, observational studies have consistently shown that high

consumption of such foods may increase the risk of cancer.



Processed meat

Studies have shown a correlation between eating processed meat and

raising the risk of cancer, especially colorectal cancer. Research showed that people who consumed large quantities of processed meat had an increased risk of colorectal cancer by 20–50 per cent relative to those who consumed little or no processed meat.

Overcooked Food

High-temperature cooking of certain foods such as grilling, frying, sauteing, broiling and

barbecue can produce harmful compounds such as heterocyclic amines (HA) and

advanced glycation end products (AGEs)

Excess buildup of these harmful compounds leads to inflammation. Inflammation may play a role in cancer and other disease growth. So, it’s wise to avoid overcooked food.


Several observational studies have shown that high dairy consumption can increase

prostate cancer risk. Results showed that high whole-milk food products raise the risk of disease progression.



Diet for Cancer patients that Contain Cancer-Fighting Properties:


There is nothing such as a superfood to prevent cancer. But a balanced nutritional

approach would be most effective. Scientists predict that consuming the best cancer

diet will reduce the risk by up to 70 per cent and will likely help with cancer recovery as

well. They assume that in a process called anti-angiogenesis, some foods can fight

cancer by blocking the blood vessels that feed cancer.


Observational studies have linked higher vegetable intake to lower cancer risk. Many

vegetables contain antioxidants and phytochemicals which fight cancer.

For example, cruciferous vegetables, including broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage,

contain sulforaphane, a substance that has been shown to decrease tumour size by

more than 50 per cent in mice (in laboratory studies).

Certain vegetables, including tomatoes and carrots, are associated with a reduced risk

of breast, stomach, and lung cancer.


Compared to vegetables, fruits contain antioxidants and other phytochemicals that can

help with cancer prevention. An examination found that at least three portions of citrus

fruits per week reduced the risk of stomach cancer by 28%.


Flax seeds have been linked to protective effects against some cancers and can also

minimize the spread of cancer cells.


Some test-tube and animal studies have found that cinnamon can possess anti-cancer

properties and prevent the spread of cancer cells. Cur-cumin, which is present in

turmeric, can also help to prevent cancer.

Legumes and beans

Beans and legumes are high in fibre, and some studies suggest that an increased

intake of this nutrient can protect against colorectal cancer.


Garlic contains allicin, which has been shown in test-tube tests to have cancer-fighting



Eating fresh fish can help protect against cancer, likely because of healthy fats which

can reduce inflammation.

A major review of 41 studies showed that eating fish regularly decreased the risk of

colorectal cancer by 12 per cent.



Consuming a particular type of food cannot protect against cancer. However, eating a balanced diet for cancer patients containing a variety such as fruit, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, herbs, healthy fats, fresh seafood and high-quality dairy may minimize the risk and recurrence of cancer.


Specialists at Cancer Rounds help you with ” Diet for Cancer” covering all the dos and don’ts of food items.

To know more or to book an appointment, kindly dial our customer care number -8130077375

Posted by, Medical Team, Cancer Rounds
July 6, 2021
Can Tumor Biopsy Cause The Spread Of Cancer?

Can Tumor Biopsy Cause The Spread Of Cancer?

What is a Tumor Biopsy?

Your doctor will decide in certain cases that he or she wants a sample of your tissue or cells to help diagnose a disease or to recognize cancer. The procedure done to remove tissue or cells for examination is Biopsy. Can Tumor Biopsy Cause The Spread Of Cancer?

Cancer Consultant in India helps you with thorough and updated information about the procedures such as tumour biopsy and its effects. Although a biopsy can sound terrifying, it is important to note that most procedures that are performed are absolutely pain-free and low-risk. A piece of skin, tissue, organ, or potential tumour will be surgically removed and sent to the lab for examination, based on the condition.

Typically, biopsies are related to tumours, but that doesn’t mean you have tumours simply because a biopsy is prescribed by the doctor. Doctors scan for cancers or other disorders that cause abnormalities in the body using biopsies. Rule out the myth about cancer, biopsies are a diagnostic tool and do not cause the spread of tumours, although a few after-effects may be inevitable.

For instance, an ultrasound examination will prove the lump if a woman has a lump in her breast, but a biopsy is the best way to ascertain if it is breast cancer or another noncancerous disease, such as polycystic fibrosis.

Common Types of Biopsies: 

There are several different kinds of biopsies. Your doctor will choose the type to use based on your condition and the area of your body that needs closer review. Can Tumor Biopsy Cause The Spread Of Cancer?

Whatever the type, you’ll be given local anaesthesia to numb the area where the incision is made.

There are many types of biopsies that are different from others and used for the diagnosis of different types of cancer. Based on your diagnosis and the part of your body that needs closer examination, your doctor will select the type.

Whatever the type, local anaesthesia would be given to you to numb the region where the incision is made. Few procedures are as follows:

  • Bone Marrow Biopsy 
  • Endoscopic Biopsy
  • Needle Biopsy
  • Skin Biopsy
  • Surgical Biopsy


Medical issues to consider

You need to address a number of problems with your doctor or surgeon before the operation, including:

Health history, like any medications you might be taking, over-the-counter medications, drugs, vitamins, or mineral supplements. Any preparations can interfere and need to be avoided with surgical drugs.

Other checks can need to be performed prior to the biopsy (depending on the type of the disease under investigation), such as blood tests or ultrasound scans. Can Tumor Biopsy Cause The Spread Of Cancer?

Myths about Cancer: Can a Tumor Biopsy Cause The Spread Of Cancer?

In a biopsy, a surgical procedure that extracts tissue samples from tumours, cancer is almost invariably detected. To assess the existence and form of cancer, the samples are viewed under a microscope by a pathologist. A typical patient issue is that biopsies may allow cancers to metastasize to other areas of the body from microscopic cells. For the patient, biopsies are extremely useful, since getting a definitive diagnosis of cancer is crucial in assessing and preparing the patient’s correct care. It doesn’t cause the tumour spread.

The risks of a biopsy

The risk of injury or bleeding lies with any surgical operation that involves cutting the skin. However, the risk is much lower as the incision is minimal, especially in needle biopsies.

Complications from a biopsy

Depending on the biopsy procedure, possible complications include:

  • Excessive bleeding (haemorrhage)
  • Infection
  • Puncture damage to nearby tissue or organs
  • Skin numbness around the biopsy site.

Following up after a biopsy

Your doctors will continue to examine it after the tissue sample is collected. For certain cases, it is possible to perform this research at the time of the operation. More commonly, though, for processing, the sample would need to be sent to a laboratory. The findings will take anything from a couple of days to a couple of weeks.

Your doctor can contact you to share the results after the findings arrive, or remind you to come in for a follow-up appointment to discuss the next steps.

Your doctor should be able to inform you of the type of cancer and the extent of its spread from the biopsy if the findings indicate symptoms of cancer. The lab report should be able to guide your doctor in diagnosing and treating your condition if the biopsy has been performed for a cause other than cancer.


If the findings are negative, but the doctor’s concern is still high, you can require another biopsy or a certain type of biopsy, either for cancer or other conditions. As for the right path to take, the doctor will be able to direct you. Do not hesitate to consult with the doctor if you have any concerns about the biopsy prior to the operation or about the outcome. You will want to write your questions down and carry them to your next office appointment with you.


Contact Cancer Rounds for more information on Cancer therapy in India or to learn more about the Cancer Treatment Cost.

Contact customer care number and avail the 24*7 Cancer assistance at a tap!

Posted by, Medical Team, Cancer Rounds
October 28, 2020
Cancer and mental health

Cancer and Mental Health

With cancer, your emotional and physical well-being will be compromised. It is good to ensure you get adequate sleep and exercise in all stages of the disease and have a diverse diet. You should also be mindful of your social well-being. Cancer and well-being go hand in hand. Cancer influences your own image and knowledge of yourself. Changes can be fearsome for physical appearance and the ill-health. Yet it is very important to continue to handle yourself as best as possible in terms of your own best-being and healing. Cancer and Mental Health has been discussed in this blog


Cancer and Mental Health 

Having cancer produces many distinct emotions with it. Not only does the illness affect your health, but also your emotional well-being. It may be difficult to consider the patient’s position. The significant disease leads us to have a wider view of life. The emotions of the crisis triggered by the disease are part and parcel of the process. Everybody deals in their own way about their emotions.


The way to cope with cancer is subjective. There can be ample episodes of mood swings. Negation, rage, fear, frustration, sorrow, disappointment, shame, and isolation are the most common.

Facing your thoughts and resolving them is the most important thing. You should not suppress, but you should confront and learn to cope courageously with your emotions. Only then will the mental recovery begin correctly.

Everybody deals in their own way about their emotions. Others unload them by events, others manage to communicate about them or to learn about them alone.


Ask for help

Cancer may induce multiple intense psychological responses, such as anxiety and depression. It is necessary to obtain clinical assistance if those conditions feel insurmountable and you are unable to handle it. 

It is enough for you to speak to your doctor frequently and especially family or friends about stuff. You can also get help from the Cancer Rounds, where professional oncologist assists people with cancer and their loved ones. 

It is important to speak to your doctor or the nursing staff who will care for you about your well-being.


Ways to improve your state of mind:

  • Fresh outdoor weather helps enhance body and mind activity and exercise.
  • Look after your looks. 
  • Celebrate the accomplishments and milestones – be honoured.
  • A healthy attitude comes from doing nice things.
  • Write down the list of good things to read in sad days.
  • Don’t hanker for the past, consider the happy days instead.
  • It depends on you to act in your life. You have to think about items in a positive or negative way and remember them.

Cancer and a healthy diet

Cancer has a number of effects on a person’s diet and dietary habits. The disorder itself can lead to weight loss, lack of appetite, or other eating disorders.

Surgical therapy may impact swallowing or digestive tract function. The treatment of radiation and chemotherapy can lead to nausea, diarrhoea, loss of appetite, and alteration of taste and smell.

Mood disturbances or stress related to your disease will often affect your appetite, which also leads to weight loss. Any patients with cancer may also face starvation that may hinder recuperation and strength.

The case could be the reverse with certain cancer patients being treated. Medication with hormones or cortisone can induce appetite and increase weight. Treatment doesn’t lead to weight loss, but, by making daily meals chart, consuming nutritious food, and doing more based on your ability, you can look after your weight.

The cancer patients require a diverse diet and a decent quantity of fluid. And if your appetite is often bad, your daily meal requires ample calories and nutrients. High iron levels such as the spinach and chicken cereal, green vegetables, pulses, and foods help us retain capacity. The same happens to food also with small foods. You should snack processed food supplements, which in limited quantities provide lots of nutrients. It’s good to talk to a psychiatrist, nurse, or dietitian about diet.

Cancer and exercise

As we rightly mentioned in the start, Cancer and well-being have a direct relation. Exercise is vital to the well-being and recovery when you have cancer. The stronger and the easier you continue to workout following treatment, recovery begins.

Physical exercise and light training improve the strength of your muscles and give you stamina. You don’t need to workout excessively, since your condition and recovery physically may put pressure on you.

After rehabilitation, it is appropriate to start walking, for example by taking clear walks. To do stuff like housework, shopping and working are appreciated and encouraged.

You note the positive benefits of exercising are attained easily. Your mood is starting to change as exercise raises endorphin levels, particularly in the brain, and circulated in the body. Endorphins ease discomfort and strengthen well-being emotions.


Cancer and Mental Health is directly proportional. The physical and mental well-being of a Cancer patient is very important. It not only helps in a speedy recovery but also makes life worth living. For more information and assistance on psychological, physical, or dietary help, visit Cancer Rounds or call our Customer Care service. 



Posted by, Medical Team, Cancer Rounds
October 20, 2020
Why can a second opinion in cancer be helpful?

Why can a second opinion in cancer be helpful?

Cancer is a dangerous disease and the proper diagnosis will help you with a comfortable and confident recovery plan. When you’re taking treatment for cancer, it’s obvious to have thoughts if another doctor can offer more information or another treatment option that will be more beneficial. You may want to find another doctor to look at your test results, speak to you about your personal situation, and maybe give you another perspective on it. Getting a second opinion in cancer can help validate the first doctor’s view or offer advice on potential treatment choices. It will make you feel more positive about your care plan and diagnosis.Why can a second opinion in cancer be helpful? Let’s find out –

Some Facts and Figures:

  • The prevalence of cancer in India is estimated at around 2.5 million, with around 1.25 million new cases reported each year and around 800,000 deaths due to the disease.
  • The second opinion is a patient’s method of finding an alternative assessment of his or her diagnosis and treatment plan by another, or by a few other specialist doctors to confirm the diagnosis and validate their treatment.
  • Before treatment, many patients seek a second opinion for confirmation or diagnosis for a complex condition. Researchers say that as many as 88 per cent of those patients go home with a new or advanced diagnosis — changing their treatment plan and possibly their lives. In contrast, only 12 per cent receive confirmation that the original diagnosis was correct and complete.
  • Few studies have shown that up to 30 per cent of people seeking second advice found that their original treatment for recovery did not suit the substitute treatment, and the latter proved more effective in most cases. Although taking second opinions isn’t a new concept, it has gained popularity in recent times as a medical service. It is quite common for patients to seek a second opinion, in particular for life-threatening diseases such as cancer.

Why can a second opinion in cancer be helpful?

You should not worry and feel free to ask your doctor for a second opinion. It is not offensive and it is the right of the patient. Doctors are usually happy and help their patients arrange a second opinion. Your doctor wants the best treatment approach for your cancer and a second opinion will help him plan treatment for a confirmed diagnosis.

You should consider seeking a second opinion when:

  • A rare form of cancer has been diagnosed.
  • Your doctor has little experience in treating your type of cancer.
  • You have several recovery choices, so you remain confused about what to do.
  • Your test results are unclear regarding your cancer type and location.
  • A condition or recovery program doesn’t make you happy.

Even if you already had the treatment you can get a second opinion. A second opinion can make recommendations for how your treatment will progress.

How a Second Opinion Can Help:

Why can a second opinion in cancer be helpful? Patients diagnosed with cancer often experience a wide spectrum of feelings, as well as a feeling of desperation to start treatment as soon as possible. Typically there is a period of time for a new diagnosis, based on the form and severity of the disease before the therapy starts. Obtaining a second opinion at this period may be an important and appropriate part of treating one’s condition. It can contribute to:

  • Approve your diagnosis.
  • Determine if cancer is spreading.
  • Viewpoint from experts with different expertise (such as a radiation oncologist or surgical oncologist)
  • Determine clinical trials or alternative treatments that apply to your treatment plan
  • Other medications.
  • Imbibe confidence on how to proceed with your care.

Is there time to wait for a second opinion?

Treatment plans are to be made after you have a clear picture of your diagnosis and learned all you can about your prognosis, and the treatment options available. Depending on the type of cancer you have, it may take time. In some cancers, few treatment decisions have to be made right away. It is completely acceptable if you take some time to think about them, and you should think about them. If you are worried about the delay at the start of treatment, you should talk to your doctor.

Second opinion etiquette:

You may be concerned that if you decide to seek advice from another health care professional, your doctor will be offended, but most doctors understand that many patients decide to seek a different opinion, and will want you to feel comfortable and secure before starting treatment.

Honestly, it is an integral part of the bond between doctor and patient, and experts suggest that you make your doctors aware of your decisions. You’ll need to collect medical records from your original appointment, and this may be a time to let your doctor know you’re exploring other treatment options.

How to get started seeking a second opinion?

Talk to your doctor:

First, tell your doctor you want to get a second opinion. Patients with cancer typically request a second opinion, and certain insurance programs also require one, particularly if a doctor suggests surgery or alternative therapy.

Some individuals may not feel comfortable talking to their doctor about getting a different opinion. To make it easier to discuss the issue, tell your doctor that you are satisfied with his or her treatment plan and care, but that you want to ensure that you are fully informed about all the treatment options available. When you have the conversation, it may help to bring a family member or friend along for support.

Get copies of your medical records:

Tell the doctor for the medical history, original X-rays, examination, and test reports and you can take them with you for a second opinion on your first appointment. You may also send the information from the current doctor from the new doctor’s office if that is more convenient. Many hospitals allow patients access to their own medical records.

It is a good idea to ask your medical records even if, in case of an emergency, you don’t want to seek a second opinion.


It should not take longer than a week for a cancer specialist office to collect information from your previous doctor’s office and book a second opinion consultation for you. If you plan to bring your medical records to the appointment, it may take even less time than to ask your primary doctor to forward them.

When you have to wait for a second opinion for longer than a week or two to see a doctor, you may want to find someone else.

Here are a few reasons to consider a Second Opinion

Here are five reasons why getting a second opinion should be a top priority on the path to recovery:

  • Peace Of Mind

A cancer diagnosis is disturbing, and even if you feel like you’ve already found the right team, you may want reassurance to quell the ‘what-ifs.’ Sometimes a second opinion is important not because you’re going to be diagnosed with something else, but just to confirm what the initial consultation team has already said. That brings trust and confidence in the treatment.

  • Up-To-Date Treatment And Technology

The knowledge about cancer and how to treat it is changing fast. Every year, new researches provide insight that can lead to more adequate treatment, and although oncologists may occasionally seem like super-intelligent superheroes, they are humans and there’s always a welcoming open door of learning new things.

  • Different Perspectives

Most of the time, a team of experts is responsible for a successful treatment and not just one doctor’s efforts. It requires a team of oncologists, surgeons, and more who each bring a different perspective and approach to treatment.

  • Access To Clinical Trials

Clinical trials, the real-world research studies involving people allow oncologists to determine new approaches in limiting, diagnosing, and tackling diseases. Most of the time, cancer patients who seek second opinions at different setups will learn of a current or upcoming clinical trial that’s right for them or their treatment plan.

If You are not satisfied with what you heard. If you’re filled with fear and doubt after your first opinion, then you should know that another doctor may have a different approach. And just because one doctor indicates an alarming prognosis, there might be another doctor offering more hope.

What if the Second Opinion doesn’t match with the First?

There are pretty good chances that the second opinion will be similar to that of your first doctor. So if that is the case you can feel more confident in your diagnosis and treatment plan.

However, the second doctor may have different ideas about diagnosis or treatment. If that happens, DO NOT worry — you still have choices. You should go back to the first doctor to address the second opinion. You can agree together to adjust your treatment based on this new knowledge. You should get a third doctor’s opinion, too. It could help you decide which of your first two choices is better.

Remember you don’t have to switch doctors even if you get a second or third opinion. You’ll be able to decide which doctor will do your treatment.

Now, why can a second opinion in cancer treatment be helpful?

When a patient walks in for their initial consultation after a cancer diagnosis, they bring a plethora of problems in their mind. Typically they come to get detailed information about their condition after they have already been given a diagnosis of cancer. They arrive at an oncology clinic in a state of panic and disturbance. They also have questions about their future life and how normal it will be. Typically when getting a second opinion, consultation is via a follow-up call following a biopsy and/or examination to confirm that they have cancer. Receiving a similar diagnosis produces a strong emotional reaction.

Most cancer cases are usually clear and straightforward. A clear diagnosis is made and treatments are initiated. In such cases, many patients may not need a second opinion. But when a diagnosis of a unique cancer is made, there is much fear, misconceptions, and many questions about treatment. All these factors can determine whether a person may live or die, thus it is not totally acceptable to a patient to want to have another point of view-what we call a second opinion.

The most valuable thing a doctor can provide to a patient or family concerned after reviewing the cancer data is to explain, in clear terms, all the related issues. Patients want state-of-the-art medical treatment but may have reservations about what is the right way to go about it. Although this is when a second opinion can be very helpful in doing so, most patients are reluctant to offend their primary doctor. Many patients may not know it’s a common procedure to have a second opinion.

It is really important for the patient and his family/friends to give themselves time to know exactly what the diagnosis means unless emergency care is required. They need to gather information on how to treat it (surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy), weigh the options (if immediate treatment has an effect on their particular disease), and understand the prognosis and chances of a cure.


Having a second opinion can help you determine the cancer treatment tailored to meet your needs. Many factors determine how long a second opinion evaluation takes. During the diagnosis, a dedicated team of oncologists, nurses, dietitians, and other cancer specialist collaborate with you to assess your medical history, diagnostic tests, and treatment status. They may also use additional diagnostic technology to further evaluate the disease. Using all this information, they plan your personalized treatment plan. If you are looking for a cancer consultant, then Cancer Rounds is the best place to book an appointment. Cancer Rounds can help you connect with the best Cancer hospital in India. Visit Cancer Rounds’ website today.

For more such information, You can also read:

Cancer and Mental Health

Treatment of Lung Cancer by Surgery

Posted by, Medical Team, Cancer Rounds
July 15, 2020
Cancer Treatment During Covid-19

Cancer Treatment During COVID-19

Due to the sudden outbreak of Coronavirus or COVID-19, many cancer patients are likely to face a dilemma, whether or not to continue with Cancer Treatment During Covid-19. Let us discuss Cancer Treatment During Covid-19.

Amid the Global Pandemic COVID-19, the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) proposed that there is no direct evidence to support withholding immunotherapy or chemotherapy in cancer patients. Therefore, postponing immunosuppressive or chemotherapy is not recommended. Oncologists at Cancer Rounds have years of experience in this field and make treatment decisions following the guidelines by ASCO. Cancer Treatment During Covid-19 will be based on each patient, and factors like the type of cancer, cancer stage, and the risk of cancer recurrence.

Talking about the same, cancer patients are at a greater risk of getting affected by COVID-19 as their immune system is less resistant to the Coronavirus. This has put both oncologists and patients in a difficult situation. Chemotherapy medications, however, destroy healthy white blood cells that protect against viruses such as coronavirus, so halting chemotherapy will place patients with cancer at a much greater risk of tumour growth and may lessen their survival.

Postponing cancer treatment to avoid a potential infection with COVID-19 can be fatal in many patients. Therefore, patients on chemotherapy, should call their Oncologist and talk to him/her before postponing treatment by himself.

Risk Factor

Since all health care providers adjust their activities to address COVID-19, doctors who treat cancer patients may also need to change when and how cancer therapy and follow-up visits can be conducted. Oncologists at CancerRounds will weigh the risk of failing a cancer treatment, the side effects of chemotherapy to cancer patients exposed to COVID-19, and find a workable treatment plan taking into consideration all the precautions and guidelines given by the Government.

For other patients, unless they are exposed/showing symptoms of COVID-19 or tested positive, they should continue with Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy.


Cancer patients knowing to have a compromised immune system should take a few extra steps and precautions to lower their exposure to the coronavirus. Staying at home, using hand sanitizer and gloves, following social distancing guidelines, and following rigorous hygiene is vital for cancer patients to protect themselves from getting infected by COVID-19. It may be acceptable to postpone routine or some avoidable follow-up visits of cancer patients, but should constantly be in touch with the Oncologist on the telephone and do the needful when required. For more such information, visit Cancer Rounds’ website.

Posted by, Medical Team, Cancer Rounds
July 7, 2020
cancer second opinion

Cancer Second Opinion-When and Why?

The second opinion is nothing but a reassurance or another judgment from any person for a particular problem or a situation. Similarly, sometimes cancer second opinion are considered as decision-makers in getting right aid of treatment with team of highly expert cancer specialist. Patient-initiated second opinions are increasing tremendously for every simple or complicated disease or disorder. The popularity of such a trend is not known.

The need for the cancer second opinion is greater than any other cases. The situation when the patient is diagnosed with cancer is the most difficult one for them as well as for the family. In one go it becomes hard for the patient to believe that he or she is diagnosed with cancer and just to reassure or reconfirm, they go for a cancer second opinion through which they get some clarity of the diagnosis, prognosis and the treatment.


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Reasons why patients seek cancer second opinion after first diagnosis:

  1. First and foremost, to confirm the cancer diagnosis.
  2. Lack of trust in the original physician.
  3. Need for more information about the disease.
  4. Psychological satisfaction.
  5. For better treatment options.
  6. If diagnosed with a rare type of cancer.
  7. The treating doctor does not have expertise in treating this type of rare cancer.
  8. When test results are unclear for a particular type and location of cancer.
  9. Several treatment options are available but unsure of which one to opt for.
  10. Last but not the least unsure of the diagnosis and the treatment option and want to confirm whether the planned treatment is the best preference or no.
  11. In case your doctor has suggested chemotherapy treatment and you are not sure if that is the right choice for you.


These are some common reasons for which patients seek the second opinion. It’s not always patient-initiated; sometimes the original physician may also advise the patient for a cancer second opinion that can be; an advice from a more experienced or a specialist in oncology discipline.

Seeking second opinions may sometimes benefit the patient resulting in better treatment and perfect diagnosis but sometimes they may not yield any robust medical benefit for them.

As the cancer second opinion has advantages likewise they do have some disadvantages as well. 

The following can be the adverse impacts of the cancer second opinion while choosing any treatment option for cancer;

  1. Sometimes seeking the second opinion in cancer treatment may result in disappointment and can be distressing for the patient.
  2. Going for a cancer second opinion can take time as the patient won’t be a priority as he or she has already seen a specialist. Like in case of leukemia treatment the patient needs to act as fast as he can to curtail the disease and start treatment
  3. The disappointment of the patient can result in increased uncertainty and can also affect the relationship of the patient with its initial physician.
  4. Going for a second opinion in cancer treatment can sometimes also delay the patient’s existing or suggested treatment.
  5. It can also increase the workload of the physicians and can signal a lack of trust in the physician.
  6. Second opinion in cancer treatment can be a costly affair as the other oncologists can recommend some additional diagnostic tests and consultations.
  7. There can be a difference of opinions between the two consultants or physicians.
  8. It can also lead to more confusion and can put the reasoning ability of the patient at stake.
  9. The disease can progress which in turn can make the initial treatment more intricate or sometimes unworkable.
  10. The timelines of opinions can also differ depending upon the availability of specialists to review the patient’s case.

Cancer Rounds team helps the patient takes a cancer second opinion in 24-48 hours. Call us and discuss your case now.

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Posted by, Medical Team, Cancer Rounds
August 3, 2019

Symptoms To Look Out For in Cancer Checkup

Symptoms To Look Out For in Cancer Checkup

 Cancer is the greatest test of the human spirit. It is undeniably one of the major causes of premature deaths. When cells in the body behave abnormally and start growing and dividing themselves, destroying body tissues and invading other parts, is CANCER.


Some of the Most Common Cancers:

  • Breast cancer
  • Lung cancer
  • Thyroid cancer
  • Bladder cancer
  • Prostate cancer
  • Colon and rectal cancer
  • Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
  • Melanoma
  • Kidney cancer
  • Endometrial cancer
  • Leukemia
  • Pancreatic cancer
  • Liver cancer

About 9.6 million people die every year around the world and more than a million new cases are reported in India every year. Half of the million people die because of the ignorance and lack of understanding of Cancer. According to a recent study titled ‘The burden of cancers and their variations across the states of India’, the death rate is higher in females due to cancer. The International Cancer Control is launching a 3-year campaign called ‘I Am and I Will’ in 2019, which asks for personal commitment in order to help reduce the burden of cancer globally.

Cancer is a war that can be won if you know what to look for. One must always have a good understanding of their body. Regular screening helps detects the abnormalities and can help detect several diseases at an early stage. Do not ignore the warning signs of Cancer. If you have the following potential symptoms of Cancer, then consult your doctor and get it checked immediately:

  1. Losing Weight:

When your healthy body is attacked by cancer cells, you may start losing weight. Many people lose around 5 kg weight even before they are diagnosed with cancer. So weight loss can be considered as a starting point. So if you do not have any conditions such as hyperthyroidism explaining your weight loss and you are losing weight suddenly then it can be a sign of Esophagus, stomach, lung or pancreatic cancer.

  1. Unusual Blood loss:

Blood in stools may indicate colon or rectal cancer and blood in urine may indicate prostate or bladder cancer. If you are experiencing unusual bleeding or discharge, then visit a doctor for a checkup. In the case of stomach cancer, there is internal bleeding which is rarely detected on time.


  1. Fever:

Fever is the most common and most confusing symptom of Cancer as one can get a fever due to weather change too. When your body meets with an infection or an illness, it reacts in the form of fever. Whenever you get a fever, your body is indicating that something is wrong with your body. If you are getting a fever often, then it might be indicating that cancer has already spread to other parts and is at an advanced stage. Fever is often seen as a symptom of advanced cancer but one can also get fever at the early stages of Leukemia or Lymphoma.


  1. Thickening or Lump:

In most cases of Breast cancer, women often are unable to detect the lump on time. Not all breast lumps are cancer. But it is suggested that women should examine their breasts at a regular time interval so that they can feel the changes and get it checked for breast cancer. Thickening of breasts is often a sign of Breast cancer. If your nipples are discharging and are turned inward along with redness or scaling on breast skin then it can be a symptom of breast cancer. It is better to get it checked.


  1. Fatigue and Pain:

Fatigue, tiredness and unexplained pain can be the warning signs of cancer. If you are experiencing continuous fatigue and you are tired for no reason then cancer is a possibility. Tiredness can be related to Leukemia and Fatigue can be a result of blood loss from other different cancers. Pain is normally caused when the cancer is spread and you can also experience back pains in the case of colon, rectum, ovarian and prostate cancers.


  1. Changes in Skin:

When you notice your moles or warts changing or getting bigger, then do not take it lightly, it can be a symptom of Skin Cancer. White spots, lumps or bumps, all can be related to cancers like oral cancer, skin cancer or breast cancer.

If you are experiencing an increase in hair growth, redness, sores, hyper-pigmentation, yellow eyes, and skin, then cancer might be the reason, get it checked.


  1. Constant Cough:

You can get cough due to colds, flu, low humidity, and allergies but if you are experiencing Cough for a long time and you are getting hoarse, it can be a sign of Lung Cancer or thyroid cancer. If the disease is advanced then you may experience coughing up blood too.


  1. Night sweats:

Night sweats indicate the early stages of many cancers like Leukemia and Liver Cancer. If you often find yourself drenched in night sweats, then it may be a symptom of cancer. Night sweats can be caused due to many other reasons, but if you see other warning signs along with night sweats then it is time to get a checkup.


  1. Changes in Bowel:

Many people start having problems with swallowing, eating, lessening of appetite or feeling pain after eating in Cancer. If you are often getting indigestion, feel nauseous, bloating and vomiting, this symptom can be a sign of Cancer. These symptoms indicate Esophageal, ovarian, and brain cancers.

There are times when you can get Cancer without any prior signs. Cancers like Pancreatic cancer and Kidney cancer are those which are diagnosed only after reaching an advanced stage. If you have a family history of cancer, it is better to get it checked often. If you are well aware of the changes in your body, you can detect the signs and can stop Cancer from spreading further. Contact Cancer Rounds team for consultations and treatment.

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Posted by, Medical Team, Cancer Rounds
July 26, 2019

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