Leukemia Archives - Cancer Rounds

Going For A Bone Marrow Transplant- Must Be Aware of Certain Verities

Bone Marrow Treatment

Bone marrow treatment in India is an attraction for the bulk of medical tourists due to experts and experienced eminent Oncologists in India.

The Cancer Rounds is also helping individuals seeking bone marrow treatment in India that are also from nations and different regions worldwide. 

During the bone marrow treatment, the bone marrow transplant procedure performed is targeted with the goal to replace bone marrow that has been damaged or destroyed by disease, infection, or chemotherapy.

This procedure of bone marrow transplant involves transplanting blood stem cells, which travel to the bone marrow where they produce new blood cells and promote the growth of new marrow cells that are healthy. 


What is bone marrow?

Bone marrow is the spongy, fatty tissue inside human bones. It creates important parts of the blood- for instance, red blood cells, which carry oxygen and nutrients throughout the body, white blood cells, which fight infection, and platelets, which are responsible for the formation of clots. 

Bone marrow contains immature blood-forming stem cells known as hematopoietic stem cells or HSCs. The mentioned stem cell is considered a predecessor for differentiated cells.

These stem cells are unspecialized, meaning they have the potential to multiply through cell division and either remain stem cells or differentiate and mature into many different kinds of blood cells. The HSC found in the bone marrow will make new blood cells throughout a lifespan of an individual. 


The Procedure of Bone Marrow Transplant

the target is to replace your damaged stem cells with healthy cells. This helps your body make enough white blood cells, platelets, or red blood cells to avoid infections, bleeding disorders, or anaemia. Healthy stem cells can come from a donor, or they can come from the patient’s own body.

In such cases, stem cells can be harvested, or grown, before you start chemotherapy or radiation treatment and genetically engineered in the lab. Those healthy cells are then stored and used in transplantation. 


Why Do You Need Bone Marrow Transplant?

The need for Bone marrow transplants, performed when a person’s marrow isn’t healthy enough to function properly is justified.  This could be due to chronic infections, disease, or cancer treatments. Some reasons for a bone marrow transplant include: 

  • aplastic anaemia, – a disorder in which the marrow stops making new blood cells 
  • cancers that affect the marrow, such as leukaemia, lymphoma, and multiple myeloma 
  • damaged bone marrow due to chemotherapy 
  • congenital neutropenia, – an inherited disorder that causes recurring infections 
  • sickle cell anaemia, – an inherited blood disorder that causes misshapen red blood cells 
  • thalassemia, – an inherited blood disorder where the body makes an abnormal form of haemoglobin, an integral part of red blood cells 
  • multiple sclerosis- a disease in which the immune system eats away at the protective covering of nerves 


Before Transplant

As Bone marrow transplants take up to a week and it is advised that the successful arrangements before your first transplant session as directed by your treating doctor are made up to mark. These can include: 

  • housing near the hospital for your loved ones 
  • insurance coverage, payment of bills, and other financial concerns 
  • care of children or pets 
  • taking a medical leave from work 
  • packing clothes and other necessities 
  • arranging travel to and from the hospital 


During Bone Marrow Transplant

During bone marrow treatment, your immune system will be compromised, affecting its ability to fight infections. Therefore, you’ll stay in a special section of the hospital that’s reserved for people receiving bone marrow transplants.

This reduces your risk of being exposed to anything that could cause an infection. Also to boost immunity the diet will be given to you by your treating team. At this stage communicate with your doctor without hesitation. 

During this time, you’ll be closely monitored for any complications or any side effects – so you can get a solution for the issue you meet the solution. 

Current innovations in bone marrow treatment in India are all availed at cancer rounds with partnered best oncologists. 


Posted by, magneto
February 2, 2022

Bone Marrow Transplant Treatment and Its Treatment Team

bone marrow treatment in india

In our bones, spongy tissue is presently termed bone marrow which is responsible for the formation of blood cells. Yes, all blood cells are produced from “hematopoietic stem cells” or simple “stem cells” which are present in the bone marrow. A bone marrow transplant is a method to transfer healthy stem cells into a patient.

The special characteristics of the hematopoietic stem cell help them to renew themselves. Besides this, hematopoietic stem cells or stem cells in none marrow also can develop into any type of blood cells.

“Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation or bone marrow transplantation” is the technique that aids the injection of stem cells from bone marrow that produce red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets into a recipient after a short course of chemotherapy called conditioning.

Before the process of Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation or bone marrow transplantation, the process of filtering stem cells is done and the goal of BMT is to transfuse healthy bone marrow cells in patients.


Advantages of Bone Marrow Transplant

Bone marrow transplant treatment is used successfully to treat diseases such as leukaemias, lymphomas, aplastic anaemia, immune deficiency disorders, multiple myeloma, etc.


There are two ways in which bone marrow transplant can be done, such as:

  • Autologous bone marrow transplant in which the donor is the patient himself or herself.
  • Allogeneic bone marrow transplant in which the donor shares the same genetic type as the patient.


Matching involves typing human leukocyte antigen (HLA) tissue. The antigens on the surface of these special white blood cells determine the genetic makeup of a person’s immune system.

There are antigens present in the blood. Around 100 HLA antigens are there from which few major antigens are supposed to match. If these HLA antigens of both the donor and recipient match then the transplant is possible. The others are considered “minor” and their effect on a successful transplant is not as well-defined.

Success in a bone marrow transplant procedure is the cure of a disease that is not achieved instantly.

Bone marrow transplant treatment is life-saving and in India the cost for BMT treatment range from about Rs. 15,00,000 to Rs.40,00,000.


Team of Bone Marrow Transplant Treatment

After knowing briefly about bone marrow transplant treatment, let us understand the role of the bone marrow transplant team:

The bone marrow transplant team is comprised of a group of specialists that work together for a successful transplant. The team consists of professionals specialized in oncology, haematology, immunology, and bone marrow transplantation.

Besides this, the role of the bone marrow transplant nurse coordinator who organizes all aspects of care provided before and after the transplant can never be forgotten.

As the bone marrow transplant nurse coordinator educates the patient, caregivers coordinate the diagnostic testing and are present for counselling during follow-up care.

It is necessary to take references before approaching the specialist. In this, you can collect information from social media, digital platforms, your relatives, and your family doctor.


How Cancer Rounds Can Help You?

Besides this our virtual hospital Cancer Rounds also provides a second opinion as well to ambulatory or remote cases who are hunting for the right bone marrow transplant specialist to proceed with.

Cancer Rounds is impregnated with the leading and the best cancer doctor in India, with the boon of both expertise and experience – here we also avail our patients to get their comments about those doctors before interacting with them.

Once you are satisfied proceed to read reviews of patient survivors’ stories available on the website that will surely answer your queries i.e. why the particular doctor is preferred for you.


  • Not always meet positive comments and doctors are also human, in case you come across some negative comments about their doctor, always scrutinize the comment because each case is different. This will give you an idea if it is a wise decision to go for the concerned specialist for Bone Marrow Transplant.


  • The bone marrow transplant specialist team in Cancer Rounds has strong experience with bone marrow transplants, as they are also updated to provide you with answers to queries like- what options do exist and how each one works for your situation.


  • The focus of Cancer Rounds is to reach far/remote patients as well, in this, we are guiding accommodation, and financial aids as well because the first thing you come across during treatment is that it’s not possible for patients during different phases of treatment to travel far away.


You can also contact us directly by sending us a query, in case you require a second opinion for a Bone marrow transplant for yourself or your loved being.

Posted by, Medical Team, Cancer Rounds
January 25, 2022
Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Treatment

Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Treatment | Top Cancer Doctors In India

Frontline Advancements in Treatment Landscape for Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Treatment

Advancements & raising awareness has immensely helped in the treatment of patients with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Treatment. 9/22: The date represents the genetic alterations of chromosome 9 and 22, hence 22nd September is known as “International Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Treatment Awareness Day” worldwide.

As we are approaching the 22nd of the ninth month of the year, let’s see the Frontline Advancement in the Treatment of CML in this article.

The advent of tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy for the treatment of patients with CML has greatly improved survival rates. Although, the clinicians who treat these patients still face many management challenges across the disease spectrum. In order to improve patient outcomes, familiarity with recent recommendations and evidence-based methods to track patient care response is important, as is the understanding of the latest research on care methods for patients who encounter treatment-related adverse effects or are refractory to initial therapy lines.

Furthermore, since your Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Treatment patients could be on TKI therapy for several years, it is important for you to be mindful of long-term safety concerns for these drugs, as well as other conditions that may involve a change of treatment.
For the treatment of patients with chronic myeloid leukaemia ( Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Treatment), including second-generation tyrosine kinase inhibitors ( TKIs), there are now 5 FDA-approved medications. These agents have revolutionized the treatment environment, including dasatinib (Sprycel), nilotinib (Tasigna), and bosutinib (Bosulif).

Prior to the advent of TKI imatinib, allogeneic stem cell transplantation, chemotherapy such as hydroxyurea or busulphan, and interferon were the primary treatment choices for Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Treatment. Since then, the groundbreaking therapeutic potential of imatinib, approved by the FDA and EMA in 2001, has centred on the enhancement of the use of TKI therapy. TKIs of the second and third generations have been produced after imatinib: bosutinib, dasatinib, nilotinib, radotinib, and ponatinib.

There are now 4 TKIs approved for the frontline treatment of CML, including the first-generation TKI imatinib (Gleevec). However, the TKIs of the second generation have proved more successful than imatinib of the first generation. A 5-year review of the randomized phase III DASISION trial found that in patients with newly diagnosed Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Treatment, dasatinib is a more successful frontline therapy than imatinib.

Two separate doses of nilotinib were compared with imatinib treatment in patients with newly diagnosed chronic-phase Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Treatment in the randomized phase III ENESTnd trial. The molecular response was reached by more than 50 per cent of patients in the 2 nilotinib arms compared to 31 per cent in the imatinib arm. Additionally, there was a lower chance of development in the nilotinib weapons as well.

While TKIs are improving the medical landscape for patients with CML, there are toxicities physicians should be mindful of when choosing the right agent to give of patients. For instance, a patient with diabetes should consider a TKI that is not associated with hyperglycemia.

TKIs have, without a doubt, revolutionized the treatment environment completely. They are, of course, correlated with certain day-to-day [adverse] effects that many patients experience. There are questions about possible long-term toxicities, but for the most part, most of the [toxicities] have been relatively minimal.

The environment of CML care has dramatically changed with the advent of TKI therapy almost 20 years ago, and the general prognosis of patients in the chronic phase of the disease is excellent. However, TKI therapy is not curative and long-term exposure to TKI is associated with persistent side effects, possible health risks, and a financial strain on health care systems. TKI intolerance is a recurrent clinical concern. Some patients also develop TKI resistance, resulting in advanced phase development and eventually CML-related death. Treatment free recovery is a novel choice for CML patients, but possible for only a small minority of patients.

Together, there are already many unmet health needs, clarifying the ongoing need to pursue new treatment strategies. Many options have been explored with a growing understanding of CML biology. This may include the use of a novel class of selective BCR-ABL1 inhibitors targeting the BCR-ABL myristoyl pocket, combination therapy with proven non-TKI drugs, such as interferon, or other medicinal products with novel CML-related targets. For more such information, visit Cancer Rounds.

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Posted by, Medical Team, Cancer Rounds
September 24, 2020

The Role Of Venetoclax In Refractory Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Venetoclax is a chemotherapy drug that works by reducing or stopping the progress of refractory acute myeloid leukemia cells in the body. It is responsible for the early treatment of adults with chronic lymphocytic (CLL) or small lymphocytic lymphoma (SLL).

Venetoclax is mainly a medication that blocks the action of a protein called BCL2 that helps the cancerous cell active. Both CLL and SLL do not involve any chemotherapy in its place that it targets the CD20 protein, which is present on the surface of tumor cells in refractory acute leukemia’s.

How Does Venetoclax Works Against The Refractory Acute Myeloid Leukaemia Cells?

Venetoclax is the common name for trade chemotherapy drug Venclexta that is an antineoplastic agent, BCL-2 inhibitor. It is ultimately an orally bioavailable minor BCL-2 molecule that is regulator protein, that regulates cell death by apoptosis, either inhibiting or inducing.

This drug works with binding to BCL-2, which is a protein that is present in malignant leukemic cells. Venetoclax breakdowns the lymphocytes that are accountable for chronic lymphocytic leukemia in the human body. Only appropriate for patients suffering from chronic lymphocytic cells (CLL).

The Expected Outcomes After Venetoclax Administration

  • Acute myeloid leukemia has poor results in older patients with an average age of 68. BCL-2 (B-cell) lymphoma is an antiapoptotic protein that is responsible for the endurance and maintenance of acute myeloid leukemia (AML).
  • The responses counter to the Venetoclax is in 1-2 months.
  • This drug is a fusion of azacitidine and decitabine or mild concentration of cytarabine. It is mainly used for treatment in adults who have acute myeloid leukemia.
  • Venetoclax is an orally administrated drug that is advised to take one time a day with a meal.
  • You can swallow it, but do not break or chew in your mouth.
  • If patients missed the dose within 8 hours or miss the treatment, then resume the same schedule by the next day.


Venetoclax is a simple therapy with deep and durable responses against AML patients. Patients receive Venetoclax from 1to 28 days up to one year in the absence of disease progression. If the patient accurately follows all these things as directed by the clinician, then you must see a satisfactory result.

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Posted by, Medical Team, Cancer Rounds
January 1, 2020

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