Lab Test

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    Lab test required can be booked at discounted price. The test facilities are available in major metro cities like Delhi, Noida, Faridabad, Gurgaon, Ghaziabad. The major test available for cancer are as follow:

    Your doctor can order some cancer blood tests or tests at other laboratories, such as urinary examination or suspicious-area biopsy, to help direct your diagnosis if you are suspected of cancer.

    Blood checks will normally not necessarily say if you are affected by cancer or by some other noncancerous illness except for blood cancer but can give the doctor hints as to what occurs inside the organism.

    Since the doctor prescribed cancer blood testing to detect symptoms of cancer, this does not mean you have cancer and are diagnosed. Find out what your doctor will look for if blood tests for cancer are finished.

    What your doctor is looking for

    Samples from cancer blood testing are tested for symptoms of cancer in a laboratory. Samples of this disease will display cancer cells, proteins, or other cancer-generated substances. Blood checks can also give the doctor an indication of how well the organ works and whether it was cancerous.

    Diagnostic cancer tests include:

    Complete Blood Count (CBC).

    Blood protein test.  

    Tumor marker tests.

    Circulating tumor cell tests. 

    Although blood and urine testing may give your doctor clues, another testing is also required to diagnose your doctor. For certain tumors, it is also important to do a biopsy — the process to get a sample of abnormal cells to examine them.

    In certain cases, over time, levels of tumor markers are tracked. In a couple of months, your doctor can arrange a follow-up examination. Since the cancer diagnosis, tumor markers are most often beneficial. Your doctor can use these tests to decide whether your cancer responds or whether your cancer progresses.

    In most cases, cancer blood checks are not useful to monitor for a resurgence of cancer after cancer therapy is finished. Speak to the doctor about the specifics of cancer.



    CBC Test

    This common blood test measures the amount of various types of blood cells in a sample of your blood.

    Tumor Marker Test

    Tumor markers are chemicals made by tumor cells that can be detected in your blood.


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