Find the Cost of Bone Marrow Transplant in India | Cancer Rounds

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Cost of Bone Marrow Transplant in India


The cost mainly depends on a few factors such as a haploidentical transplant or a full match transplant. 

The cost varies due to the usage of certain immunosuppressant agents in order to prevent GVHD (Graft vs Host Disease). 

The cost of Bone Marrow Transplant in India starts from Rs. 10,000,00 ( Ten Lakhs) to Rs. 18,00,000(Eighteen Lakhs)

Bone Marrow Transplant is a procedure for transplantation of blood cells which are  usually harvested from bone marrow, peripheral blood of the matching donor, or umbilical cord blood. It may be of three types: autologous, allogeneic or syngeneic.


What is the Cost of Bone Marrow Transplant?


bone marrow transplant treatment


The cost of Bone marrow transplant in different countries are listed below:


CountryCost of BMT
India8 -14 lakhs (10-17k USD)
Nigeria72 -100 million Naira (18 – 25k USD)
Turkey67k – 2.5M Turkish Lira (40 -150k USD)
Thailand5.5 million Thai Baht (Around 150k USD)
Russia2 – 2.5 million Russian Ruble (35 – 40k USD)
USA400k – 900k USD


USD = United States Dollar


” Note – Cost of bone marrow transplant in India depends upon many factors including the type of bone marrow transplant, surgeon’s experience, hospital, accommodation, medicines and city.

This list demonstrates that India provides the facility of bone marrow transplantation at the lowest cost, with high class facilities. 

The doctors and surgeons are highly skilled as they have many years of experience.

Most of the doctors associated with our organization have been working for many years and are experts of their niche. 

You can connect with these specialists by contacting us and booking a consultation right away.


Which Diseases are Treated with Bone Marrow Transplant?

There are several blood disorders and blood cancers which can be treated with Bone Marrow Transplantation

1.    Aplastic Anemia – 

It is a disease in which a patient’s body stops producing enough new blood cells leading to symptoms like fatigue, uncontrolled bleeding and prone to infection.


2.    Multiple Myeloma – 

It is a type of cancer which develops in myeloid leukocytes (White blood cells).


3.    Leukemia – 

It is a type of cancer that affects the bone marrow. It occurs mostly in children.


4.    Sickle Cell disease – 

It is a type of genetic disorder that affects the shape of red blood cells resulting in shortness of breath and fatigue.


5.    Thalassemia – 

It is a hereditary blood disorder in which less hemoglobin and red blood cells are produced producing similar symptoms as sickle cell anemia.


6.    LAD (Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency) – 

LAD syndromes is a rare collective disorder which affects the immune system. It hinders the normal functioning of white blood cells.


7.    Lymphoma – 

It is a broad type of cancer that mainly affects the lymphatic system. It contains two types namely, Hodgkin and Non-Hodgkin lymphoma.


8.    Multiple Sclerosis – 

It is a disease in which the immune system starts digesting the outer protective layer of nerves. It includes symptoms like vision loss, pain, fatigue etc.


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How Bone Marrow Transplant is Done?

A Bone Marrow Transplant involves harvesting a donor’s healthy blood-forming cells and putting them into the patient’s bloodstream through veins, where they begin to grow and make potentially healthy new red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. 

Patients receive high doses of chemo in order to prepare the patient for transplant. Then on the day of transplant,  the patient receives the donated cells in a process that is like getting blood or regular medicines through an intravenous method. 


Types of Bone Marrow Transplant

An autologous transplant is when a person’s own cells are used. These cells are collected from the patient’s bloodstream and stored for later use. 

An autologous transplant may be an option for patients with certain diseases such as multiple sclerosis, Lymphomas.


bmt treatment


An allogeneic transplant is when cells from a family member, usually a sibling, are used for transplant. This is also called a related donor transplant if the donor is a family member. 

In some cases when the match is not available in the family, MUD which is matched unrelated donor transplant is carried from various registries in India and around the world.


What is the Duration of Stay in Hospital?

The patient needs to stay for 21 days in the hospital for the procedure and then 15-20 days of regular follow up  is  required post discharge.


What is the Success Rate of Bone Marrow Transplant?

The success rate of bone marrow transplant depends on a lot of different criteria of patient such as:

  1. Age
  2. General health
  3. Tolerance of procedure and treatment
  4. Previous treatment
  5. Any other health complications


Bone marrow transplant has cured thousands of people and new research is going on to enhance the treatment. Doctors are finding ways to improve the quality of life of the patients. 


Why Do You Need a Bone Marrow Transplant?

Bone marrow transplant is an effective way to treat the disease mentioned above.

It may:

  •       Restore the stem cells that has been destroyed by chemotherapy
  •       Replace the bone marrow that cannot make its own blood cells
  •       Introduce donor cells to look for cancerous cells and kill them


What are the Risks of Bone Marrow Transplantation?

Bone marrow transplant is a very effective way to treat blood disorders and has saved many lives from any age group, be it an infant or an old person. It is a revolutionary method to introduce healthy stem cells into a patient’s body.

But there are some limitations as well. Some of the complications faced by people are:

  1.     Some common graft vs host disease like diarrhea, bloating, rashes or blisters etc.
  2.     Bleeding
  3.     Infection
  4.     Numbness in limbs
  5.     Muscle spasms

Other than that, there are some minor problems as well that may vary from person to person.

Posted by, Medical Team, Cancer Rounds
November 29, 2019

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