

On the occasion of world cancer day which on 4th of Fenruary and February being a world cancer awareness month, Cancer Rounds is iviting patients across India to avail a free consultations from hematologist. Blood Cancers makes a huge %age of total cancers in India and also some of the most challenging cases are cancers […]

Posted by, Medical Team, Cancer Rounds
February 8, 2020

The Role Of Venetoclax In Refractory Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Venetoclax is a chemotherapy drug that works by reducing or stopping the progress of refractory acute myeloid leukemia cells in the body. It is responsible for the early treatment of adults with chronic lymphocytic (CLL) or small lymphocytic lymphoma (SLL). Venetoclax is mainly a medication that blocks the action of a protein called BCL2 that […]

Posted by, Medical Team, Cancer Rounds
January 1, 2020
treatment of bone marrow transplant

Cost of Bone Marrow Transplant in India

  The cost mainly depends on a few factors such as a haploidentical transplant or a full match transplant.  The cost varies due to the usage of certain immunosuppressant agents in order to prevent GVHD (Graft vs Host Disease).  The cost of Bone Marrow Transplant in India starts from Rs. 10,000,00 ( Ten Lakhs) to […]

Posted by, Medical Team, Cancer Rounds
November 29, 2019
cancer second opinion

Cancer Second Opinion-When and Why?

The second opinion is nothing but a reassurance or another judgment from any person for a particular problem or a situation. Similarly, sometimes cancer second opinion are considered as decision-makers in getting right aid of treatment with team of highly expert cancer specialist. Patient-initiated second opinions are increasing tremendously for every simple or complicated disease […]

Posted by, Medical Team, Cancer Rounds
August 3, 2019

Symptoms To Look Out For in Cancer Checkup

Symptoms To Look Out For in Cancer Checkup  Cancer is the greatest test of the human spirit. It is undeniably one of the major causes of premature deaths. When cells in the body behave abnormally and start growing and dividing themselves, destroying body tissues and invading other parts, is CANCER.   Some of the Most […]

Posted by, Medical Team, Cancer Rounds
July 26, 2019
Treatment of cervical cancer

Treatment of Cervical Cancer

When cells of the cervix either fail to reach the stage of death or reproduce uncontrollably, it forms a tumor. This tumor spreads and..

Posted by, Medical Team, Cancer Rounds
April 11, 2019
Bone marrow transplant

Bone Marrow Transplants

Some cancers and other blood related diseases (like leukaemia, sickle cell anaemia, bone marrow aplasia, lymphomas and multiple myeloma) prevent the normal development of..

Posted by, Medical Team, Cancer Rounds
April 10, 2019

Know About Chemotherapy

What is chemotherapy? When we hear the word chemotherapy, it is instantly associated with hair loss, cancer and misery. To make the most of chemo, a thorough understanding of what it is and how it works is necessary. Normal cells follow the life cycle of birth, maturation, function and death. In cancer cells, to put […]

Posted by, Medical Team, Cancer Rounds
April 1, 2019

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