Mouth or Oral Cancer Treatment Cost In India

The oral cancer treatment cost in India is the lowest compared to other countries, along with that India offers world-class facilities, and the best treatment options are also available in India.

We help every cancer patient to get the utmost treatment at the lowest cost possible. Let us look further to know more about oral cancer and its treatment cost.


What is Mouth or Oral Cancer? 

Oral cancer is a type of cancer that affects the cells of the mouth. This may include lips, gums, tongue, cheeks, roof, or floor of the mouth. Oral cancer may appear as the growth or a sore in the mouth that may not go away. 

It can be fatal if not diagnosed or treated at an early stage. Cancer is much easier for doctors to treat at an early stage, then also in most cases, oral cancer is diagnosed when it has been spread to nearby tissues. 


oral cancer


Some of the common causes of oral cancer are smoking, chewing tobacco, excessive alcohol consumption, family history or certain HPV strain, etc. Men are twice as prone to oral cancer than women. 

Even though oral cancer is life-threatening if diagnosed early the overall 5-year survival rate for the patient with oral cancer is 84 percent. Even after cancer spreads to other tissues there is still a 65 percent chance of survival. 

Oral cancer treatment can be done – with surgery to remove the tumor, followed by radiation therapy or chemotherapy to destroy the remaining cancerous cells. 

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Oral Cancer Treatment Cost in India 

As India is the cheapest country for the treatment of oral cancer, it offers the best facilities and treatment options in the world.

Even though the cost is less, the services are not compromised. The cost of treatment of mouth cancer changes with the cities in India. 

Usually, the cost of oral cancer treatment in India ranges from Rs. 1,50,000 to Rs. 5,00,000 depending upon the severity of cancer.


The table below shows the cost of oral cancer treatment in different cities of India:

oral cancer treatment cost in india


Delhi, the capital of India, provides high-class facilities and its hospitals are well equipped with modern technology which helps in offering successful surgeries. It is most popular in medical tourism for complex surgeries. 


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Oral Cancer Treatment Cost in the world 

The cost of oral cancer treatment varies from the type of surgery required and the therapy needed afterward.

Mouth cancer treatment is different throughout the world. This may be due to the facilities provided by them and the value of their currency.  


The list below shows the cost of mouth cancer treatment in different countries of the world: 

oral cancer treatment cost in different coutries


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Factors affecting the Oral Cancer Treatment Cost in India 

The cost of mouth cancer treatment is determined by several factors which revolve around diagnostic tests, main surgery, chemo or radiation therapy and stay in the hospital, etc.


The different factors are listed below with their cost: 

factor affecting cost of oral cancer treatment


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Why do people choose India? 

Being the third-largest country in the world where people choose to travel for medical treatment, India is established as the most preferred country for medical tourism.

Advanced technology and skilled doctors have improved the diagnosis and treatment of diseases like cancer.

The medical and non-medical staff in Indian cancer hospitals give patients the best cancer care. Their doctors are also very skilled, certified, and experienced.

India has lower cancer treatment costs which add up to make India the best destination for medical tourism. Additionally, most of the facilities have cutting-edge infrastructure also.

They offer patients the greatest environment and incorporate the newest cancer treatment tools. 


The other several reasons for which people across the world choose India for their treatment are:  

1. Affordability

The cost of cancer treatment is the cheapest in India as compared to other developed countries.

Along with that, the value of the Indian rupee is lower than a dollar, euro, or pound which makes the cost of living in India way less than in the USA or Europe.

In contrast to first-world countries like the US or UK, the cost of cancer treatment is 80% to 90% lower in India and hence makes it a great option for the treatment of cancer. 


2. Visa

In order to encourage medical tourism, the government has abolished the requirement that visitors from Gulf countries wait two months between each visit.

However, for some specified nations, a 30-day medical visa could be provided for treatment by the Indian Embassy.

Patients with medical visas are permitted to stay in India for a maximum of six months. 


3. Doctors

Most of the oncologists in India that provide cancer treatment are skilled and experienced professionals.

They are trained to treat and diagnose cancer at different stages. With experience in operating an accurate treatment, especially with minimal side effects.

They coordinate with the nursing staff to provide treatment. Doctors prescribe the correct dose according to the patient’s overall health and severity of cancer. 


4. Hospitals

The top-rated hospitals with oncology facilities in India offer the best cancer treatment. These hospitals exhibit the highest levels of patient care.

These hospitals have highly qualified and experienced medical staff, including nurses, who can provide excellent patient care. All these hospitals work effectively to deliver international services in India. 


5. Advanced technology

India’s hospitals have established a reputation as elite institutions with cutting-edge equipment. Complex medical conditions, such as organ transplants, cardiovascular surgery, eye surgery, etc. are treated. Advanced technology helps doctors to treat these conditions.

High-tech equipment like the Gamma knife, Cyberknife, IMRT, PET Scan, and IGRT is available in hospitals in India. 

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How can Cancer Rounds help you?  

Cancer Rounds assist patients to get the best treatment for cancer in India. We provide video consultation from India’s top doctors at the finest hospitals and many more including visa assistance.

To consult an oncologist, send a query and our team will contact you in 24 hours. 

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